2022-05-232022-05-232020-12-23FERNANDES, H. S. Adoção de tecnologia na pecuária leiteira e conservação ambiental: estudo de caso em propriedades rurais de Silvânia, Goiás. 2020. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Ambientais) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12081The necessity to produce food should incorporate environmental protection, knowing that it´s the main responsible for occupation of land and native areas also causes important impacts at the landscape. Produce food to supply a world growing population brings the challenge of increase productivity of properties decreasing the impact per unit of feed produced. Cattle raising is the main responsible for anthropization in Brazilian biomes, and especially dairy activity are very important and present in most of Brazilian proprieties, characterized by a big range of diversity producer profiles, majority by pasture systems and big heterogeneity in the technology employment. The answers to challenges presented, in general way, imply in a standard of technology adoption who can articulate a better productivity and less environmental impact. Thus, this research looked for measure the relationship between the technology standard and environmental impacts in dairy properties at Silvânia, Goiás. Were worked the technology employee on that and conservation rates of vegetation local provided by Long Term Research Program (PELD) to generate the present work. In this research was verified that properties who utilized more technology impacted less the environment, measured by conservation indicators, besides be more productive, diluting the impact per milk litter produced. Therefor there is a strong and positive relationship between adoption of technology and less environmental impact. It is worth mentioning that properties who use artificial insemination also presents more productivity (milk production in relation with total number of animal at the farm) in comparison with farms non users. A bigger efficiency at utilization of productive resources in general way also are associated with less environmental impact.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalCerradoAntropizaçãoCerradoAnthropizationCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::ECOLOGIA::ECOLOGIA DE ECOSSISTEMASAdoção de tecnologia na pecuária leiteira e conservação ambiental: estudo de caso em propriedades rurais de Silvânia, GoiásTechnology adoption for dairy farms and environmental conservation: case study in dairy farms at Silvânia, GoiásDissertação