2017-06-132017-05-11SOUZA, Renato Dias de. As representações do nacionalismo em Lima Barreto. 2017. 259 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7454In this work we have as object the representations of nationalism in the literary works of Afonso Henriques de Lima Barreto. It was sought to apprehend them that we consider the relation between literature and society and the theoretical implications of this in what refers to Marxism and art. Still in view of the concrete social relations that involved the writer in the early twentieth century, we finally problematize the interpretations that attribute a defense of nationalism to the Bartian literary representations and their political conception.In this process, we consider fundamental the accumulated knowledge about the Sociology of Literature, in its limits and potentialities, in its different approaches. As well as the possible contributions of literary theory and discourse analysis. In the expectation that the practice of intellectuals and their representations will be better understood, especially those of Lima Barreto. Considering the burning questions that appeared in the Brazilian society of the early twentieth century, which implied the formation of the literary field in the country, and among other elements led this Carioca to the country of Bruzundangas. Identifying, in its revolutionary perspective, a republic characterized by the action of plutocrats, bourgeois and colonels; Of literary mandarins; Of a foreign policy of dependence and favoring of the ruling classes, and finally of an intense fetishism about the titles and the condition of "doctor".This path, we believe, enabled us to problematize the supposed nationalism of Lima Barreto and the various literary representations he had presented especially in Memories of the scribe Isaías Caminha and Sad end of Policarpo Quaresma. Among our main concerns we tried to answer to what extent an anarchist, like him, could be associated for so many years with a supposed nationalist project for Brazil. If so, what are the contradictions between his anarchism in its original manifestations, and the assimilation of a nationalist project by the literary in question? Was this a superficial critic of reality or a radical critic, even challenging the foundations of the society in which he lived? It was from these concerns that we come to join others, that we put ourselves in an investigative process about the barretianas representations of nationalism, of its engagement, with a view to identifying its real political connection. In the end, after going through these steps, we return to our main hypothesis and evaluate its pertinence.application/pdfAcesso AbertoNaçãoNacionalismoRepresentaçõesCaráter revolucionárioIntelectual engajadoNationNationalismRepresentationsRevolutionary characterEngaged intellectualCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIAAs representações do nacionalismo em Lima BarretoThe representations of nationalism in Lima BarretoTese