2014-10-102013-07-12GONÇALVES, Alexandre Ribeiro. Emergências latino-americanas: arquitetura contemporânea 1991-2011. 2013. 730 f. Tese (Doutorado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3325This thesis approaches the recent architectures produced in Latin America between 1991 and 2011. Aims to demonstrate the emergence of a new generation of architects, which can be seen from the criterion of the generations, recognizing it linked to the dynamics of global generations. Moreover, the thesis comprises these architectures such as an emerging complex system, as a set of numerous connections and interactions which act on each other in network, producing qualities or properties characteristic of emergence. These architectural systems work interconnected, forming a collective whole. Some common themes, but not homogeneous, were prioritized in order to baste and sew some consistency to the historic building. Guidelines related to interpretations of context and tectonic dimension were developed as a coherent alternative to this structure, besides emphasis on public and social dimension of architecture, especially when articulated to the difficult circumstances of the Latin American cities. Such analysis has been attentive to the historical process of emergence and affirmation of this new generation, understanding it not as a simple way of continuity or natural evolution of the architectures produced in Latin America since the last century, much less as an attitude of break with the generations past, but rather as a dialectical interpretation between certain modernities that can be resumed and the development of new attitudes inherent to the connection possibilities that these architects make with the global generations. The results achieved signaled efforts of transcendence and overcoming of this supposed dichotomy in an attempt to break through the barriers and shorten distances.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEmergência.História da arquitetura contemporâneaAmérica LatinaGerações globaisEmergenceHistory of contemporary architectureLatin AmericaGlobal generationsARQUITETURA E URBANISMO::PROJETO DE ARQUITETUTA E URBANISMOEmergências latino-americanas: arquitetura contemporânea 1991-2011Latin american emergences: contemporary architecture 1991- 2011Tese