2014-07-292012-02-162011-08-31BAIOCCHI, Marise Leão Marques. Utilization of by-product of rice milling: development of modified flour as an alternative to the bakery industry. 2011. 103 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciencias Agrárias - Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1427Brazil is one of the largest rice producers in the world. The aim of this study was evaluate the best conditions of fermentation and development of modified rice flour with oven expansion property, as well as to describe its physical, chemical and microbiological characteristics. In the first part of this study, 12 samples, of broken rice granules, were fermented with different concentrations of sour cassava starch inoculum in different periods of time. The analysis evaluated the pH, acidity, expansion and paste properties. The results showed that pH was influenced by the period of fermentation, but not by the concentration of inoculum in all samples at the same period of time. The acidity was influenced by both variables. The expansion was not influenced by the period of fermentation related with concentration, in almost all samples. Only the sample with 2g 100g-1 of inoculum and 48 hours period of fermentation revealed a significant tendency model, R2 83,3%. There were also relevant differences in the paste properties profile in relation to the control flour (CF) (with no fermentation), in some samples. At the second part of the research, the MF with the best oven expansion capability was compared physically and chemically with the CF. There has been significant rise in acidity, pH and expansion in the MF in relation to CF. The humidity was kept in the limits established by the Brazilian legislation. The swelling power did not vary significantly among the samples, increase of 155% in WSI was observed on MF in relation to CF. The MF had significant loss of protein and ashes and alterations in the mineral profile. Fermentation caused a rise of amylose content. The electronic microscope scan revealed alterations in the structure and surface of the starch granules of MF. In microbiological terms, MF can be considered safe for human consume, with minimum shelf life of 90 days. According with the limits established by Brazilian legislation, it is safe for human consume. As a conclusion, MF can be a new alternative for the bakery industry products with expansion properties differentiated physical and chemical characteristics.application/pdfAcesso AbertoQuireraOryza sativasubprodutofermentaçãoexpansãooxidaçãobroken rice granulesOryza sativaby-productfermentationexpansionsolar oxidation.CNPQ::CIENCIAS AGRARIAS::CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA DE ALIMENTOS::CIENCIA DE ALIMENTOSAproveitamento de subproduto do beneficiamento de arroz: desenvolvimento de farinha modificada como alternativa para a indústria de panificaçãoUtilization of by-product of rice milling: development of modified flour as an alternative to the bakery industryDissertação