2014-10-022013-03-26CUNHA, Virginia Perini Peralta. Cotidiano, imagem e experiência - uma narrativa escolar contemporânea. 2013. 120 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Arte e Cultura Visual) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3255The text consists of a investigation report in which I sought to make possible dialoges between images of school routine extracted from printed media and a group of students from a state school of Goiânia. From these encounters, I tried to narrate episodes and inquirement that delineate everyday school experiences on a contemporary school. I start from personal inquietude about the use of media materials in pedagogic activities and redirect them using indications which emerge from the cohabit with subjects from the camp-school. With those indications, I investigated discussions related to media as culture matrix in the contemporary society, its limits and its possibilities. Looking into an insider narrative by experience from the view from visual culture concepts, I commited to share different meanings of experiment the schooling process nowadays. I enclose the report with another possible discussion about media, now built up by attemped episodes between narrators and collaborators.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCultura visualMídiaCotidiano escolarExperiênciaPesquisa qualitativaVisual cultureMediaSchool routineExperienceQualitative researchENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM::TECNOLOGIA EDUCACIONALCotidiano, imagem e experiência – uma narrativa escolar contemporâneaEveryday, image and experience - a narrative contemporary schoolDissertação