2020-12-042020-12-042020-08-21TAVARES, Beatriz S. O PNAIC em escolas e CMEIs da rede municipal de ensino de Goiânia: um estudo sobre sua concepção, implementação e indicadores de avaliação. 2020. 154 f.Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10956The present research, titled ``The PNAIC in schools and CMEIs of the municipal structure of teaching in Goiania: a study about its conception, implementation and evaluation resources’’, is related to State, Policies and Story of Education of FE/UFG’s Post Degree Program. The research came, initially, from the necessity to understand how a public policy focused on the literacy of children in the elementary school (6 to 14 years) ended embracing the preschool phase (4-5 years). During the research it was found, as well, how the PNAIC has become omnibus and related to external evaluation. We look to understand the PNAIC as public policy in its amplitude, since its conception until its articulation as the National Literacy Evaluation (Avaliação Nacional da Alfabetização - ANA). The literacy of children represents a big challenge to the Brazilian education, specially from the establishment of scholar obligatoriness from 4 to 17 years, as per the Constitutional Law n.59/2009. But, is there a right age to a child to be literate? The federal government says yes when created, in 2012, the PNAIC. In this context, the objective of this research was to analyse the PNAIC, considering its conception, implementation, and results in the literacy process of children from 6 to 8 years, considering the indication of ANA, especially in educational institutions in Goiania/GO. We opted to perform a study of case in educational institutions in a district in Goiania, upon bibliographic and documental research, and performing semi-structured interviews with agents that participated in different moments in the formative process of PNAIC. Eight (8) agents involved with the PNAIC in Goiania participated in the research. The PNAIC took place in Goiania between the years of 2013 and 2018. The formation of the teachers happened at first in partnership with UFG and, later, with UEG. The results of the investigation shows that the public policy of the PNAIC configured a format of public policy that evolved different aspects of the process teaching-learning in the literacy, such as: teachers’ formation, pedagogical material, management, and evaluation. The ANA rating in Goiania did not represent significant changes between its first and last evaluation, that took place on the analysed period. Although allowing a specific formation and expanding the discussion about the literacy process, in 6 years of operation, the PNAIC suffered changes that reduced its relevance, not materializing as a public policy of state, but as a government politic.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalPacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (PNAIC)AlfabetizaçãoPolítica pública de alfabetizaçãoAvaliação Nacional da Alfabetização (ANA)National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (PNAIC)LiteracyPublic literacy policyNational Literacy Assessment (ANA)CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOO PNAIC em escolas e CMEIs da rede municipal de ensino de Goiânia: um estudo sobre sua concepção, implementação e indicadores de avaliaçãoThe PNAIC in schools and CMEIs of the municipal structure of teaching in Goiania: a study about its conception, implementation and evaluation resourcesDissertação