2023-05-232023-05-232006-11-09BARCELOS, L. B. Carmo Bernardes: uma leitura pelos labirintos de Jurubatuba. 2006. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2006.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12853The disregard for the development of the novel in Goiás, and also the prejudice of some “critics” when they affirm that this genre was, when in its origins in Goiás, little elaborated, more tending to the regionalist theme, gives rise to the classic discussion of the categories past x present, part x whole, singular x plural and particular x universal. In this work, the work Jurubatuba, by Carmo Bernardes, is the subject of study in order to verify how literary criticism has always pointed to the condition of the regionalist writer as the driving force of the narrative genre and his vocation inseparable from a personal experience in the big city. In this way, it is not intended, in this dissertation, just to capture regionalism as a kind of struggle between the periphery and the center or, even, an affirmation between the local and the global writer, contesting the prevailing hegemonic hierarchy in the economic, geographical, historical and cultural sense. literary. Rather, the objective is to change the point of view of the work as a suggestion so that the whole can be observed in a broader way and, therefore, accepting a certain distance in relation to the text itself in order to be able to better see the totality of the composition. , compare the recurrent forms, the similarities and dissimilarities with other forms and, thus, have the chance to understand the particularity of the specific motif that one wants to see. To do so, it uses the structural approach, which provides the opportunity for the analysis/theory relationship, privileging history and memory, that is, Goiás reality and psychological traits of the protagonist in Jurubatuba. In this way, the Carmobernardian novel becomes a border-space, articulator of a moment that divides space and time, creating an ambivalence between commonplaces doubly inscribed in the place of probation and the place of integrity and the enunciation and enunciation. The work transmigrates to the universal if one thinks of the historicity of its most ecumenical symbol: man, who is made up among the labyrinths of memory. Hence, two dimensions immediately impose themselves: memory and identity. These dimensions are representations present in the social imaginary and, as such, it must be assumed that, in order to relate to the real world, each culture constructs representations of it based on social practices. Therefore, the study brings to light the relevance of literature as an instrument for preserving memory and its contribution to understanding the artistic, historical, human and literary universe.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalLiteratura em GoiásRomance regionalistaRegionalismo goianoHistória e memóriaMemória e identidadeLiteratura e memóriaLiterature in GoiásRegionalist romanceGoiás regionalismHistory and memoryMemory and identityLiterature and memoryLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRAS::TEORIA LITERARIACarmo Bernardes: uma leitura pelos labirintos de JurubatubaCarmo Bernardes: a reading through the labyrinths of JurubatubaDissertação