2016-08-292016-03-04GONÇALVES, T. V. Identificando as ecorregiões das Américas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade. 2016. 146 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ecologia e Evolução) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6014We live in a current loss of biodiversity crises, elapsed population growth and uncontrolled use of resources. One of the alternatives to reverse this situation is to maximize the use of available resources for conservation, mainly because these are often limited. The spatial prioritization is an important tool for this purpose. In this paper, the main objective is to identify the priority ecoregions of the Americas for biodiversity conservation. Six criteria were used in the prioritization: loss of vegetation cover, endemism, the presence of threatened species, size of ecoregion, presence of protected areas and economic value. Moreover, was identified the protection status of each ecoregion, the highest priority group animal, the threat category and the proportion of Data Deficient species (DD). Ecoregions were found in four categories of priority (B3-A3). The highest priorities are the small size, especially islands, and ecoregions located in the Caribbean, Midwest and Southern South America, Mexico and the United States. About 75% of ecoregions not have protected areas or these are insufficient. Moreover, nearly half of the ecoregions of the Americas are threatened. The group of birds was considered the highest priority in most ecoregions. The proportion of Data Deficient species was lowest in North America and most biologically diverse regions in the most, especially in the group of amphibians. This paper added a new spatial prioritization tool, which should be applied in other regions and scales and contribute to decision makers, who will have the challenge of maximizing the use of available resources for conservation in detriment of social and economic reality of each country.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAméricaBiodiversidadeConservaçãoEcorregiãoPriorização espacialAmericasBiodiversityConservationEcoregionsSpatial prioritizationCIENCIAS BIOLOGICAS::ECOLOGIAIdentificando as ecorregiões das Américas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidadeIdentifying priority ecoregions of the Americas for the conservation of biodiversityDissertação