2019-05-232019-04-15ARAÚJO, D. I. E. Tratamento de sistemas abertos via reservatórios térmicos bosônico e fermiônico. 2019. 84 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Física) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9636We developed this work at the moment with the objective to resolver the master equation for both thermal reservoir: bosonic and fermionic, as well as the master equation in reservoirs of vacuum and of Fock compressed . the bosonic thermal reservoir is modeled by a collection of coupled harmonic oscillators and the fermionic reservoir by a collection of two-level atoms. We made use of the Jaynes-Cummings model and the Bohr, Bohr-Markov and Markov approaches. In the end we discussed the application to the master equation for two distinct phenomena, Cooling by Heating (CBH) analyzing average energy graphs to the atomic system versus number of photons, and the average energy of the bosonic system as a function of the mean number of phonons, we observed the negative temperature in the absolute scale due to the inversion of population of states in function of cooperativity, we also analyzed a signature of negative response in a three level system interacting in a optical cavity, that comes as a result of decrease in the output field intensity when the input field intensity is increased.application/pdfAcesso AbertoReservatórios térmicosEquação mestraResposta negativaThermal reservoirsMaster equationNegative responseFISICA GERAL::FISICA CLASSICA E FISICA QUANTICA; MECANICA E CAMPOSTratamento de sistemas abertos via reservatórios térmicos bosônico e fermiônicoTreatment of open systems via bosonic and fermionic thermal reservoirsDissertação