2017-09-152017-08-02CARVALHO, A. F. Privê Atlântico - de conjunto habitacional a condomínio: um caso incomum de valorização imobiliária. 2017. 166 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7712The present research deals with the pursuit for an understanding of a housing modality that has attracted many adepts in Goiânia and in other Brazilian cities, the gated community. Based on a private and differentiated historical gated community, called Privê Atlântico, the intention is to bring to light how this modality can become as strong as a point to transform a housing complex into a gated community and change the market value of their real estate. For this, a search of a macro look, seeking common questions to the cities of the contemporaneity and its society, in a scenario of a globalized and capitalist world. Afterwards, the focus shifts to the discussed theme. We chose to go from the origin of the gated community, the discourses used by the market for its valorization, and an image that these enterprises occupy in Goiania‘s society. The next moment is aimed at an understanding of the research object, Privê Atlântico. Again, the initiative is a quest for a macro look on the city. A recovering of the increase in the growth of Goiânia is done in order to know how a city developed and became appreciated towards the southwest region, where the gated community is located. It was also done in order to find out how specific investments such as parks can stimulate the population growth and attract investors and services that could value a region. Then, the look turns to the object of study. From the search for documents, the surveys made on the spot and the interviews granted by residents and former residents, it was possible to understand that it is a gated community that was born unpretentious, and that the greatest value that exists in the place is not the recognition of itself as a gated community, something which some villagers fought to conquer. Ironically, the value of Privê Atlântico can be explained by its history, by its humble origins. The neighborhood ties developed throughout its history, strengthened by the struggles faced by its residents, are what the Privê Atlântico possesses as the richest. Perhaps, the wealth of Privê Atlântico does not exist in any other gated community that has been elaborated with refinement, organization and elegance.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCondomínio fechadoSegregaçãoGentrificaçãoIntervenção urbanaValorização imobiliáriaPrivê AtlânticoGoiâniaGated communitySegregationGentrificationUrban interventionIncreasing real estate market valuePrivê AtlânticoGoiâniaPROJETO DE ARQUITETUTA E URBANISMO::PLANEJAMENTO E PROJETO DO ESPACO URBANOPrivê Atlântico - de conjunto habitacional a condomínio: um caso incomum de valorização imobiliáriaPrivê Atlântico - from a housing complex to a gated community: an uncommon case of real estate valuationDissertação