2016-12-262016-09-06MORAES, C. L. B. Os documentos orientadores nacionais e estadual (Goiás) no contexto da biologia para o ensino médio: teorias de currículo e ensino de evolução biológica. 2016. 160 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6640Biology and Science teaching has always been linked to the scientific development and to the educational interest at the time. This interest turns out in the curricula proposed for teaching this curricular component in the elementary school. The curriculum is a field of studies permeated by diverse theories that consider different theoretical frameworks. These theories are defined by concepts they use to conceive reality. In the current scenario, three theories about curricula stand out: traditional, critical and post-critical. Regarding the importance of the curriculum in education, we must consider how it is materialized in the particular teaching of Sciences, in this case, Biology, a science that currently assumed an important social relevance. In this context, this study investigated the curriculum perspectives linked to federal and state guidelines of Biology, emphasizing the teaching of Biological Evolution, considered by the literature as an axis integrating the biological knowledge. More specifically, the objective was to understand the curriculum perspective present in the National Guidance Documents (National Curriculum Parameters for High School - Part III Sciences of Mathematical Nature and their Technologies (PCNEM); National Curriculum Parameters plus Sciences of Mathematical and their Technologies (PCN+EM);Curricular Guidelines for High School - Sciences of Mathematical Nature and their Technologies (OCEM); and state (Reference Curriculum of the State Education Network of the State of Goiás - Biology (CREEGO))of the area of Biology and its relationships with the teaching of Evolution. For these reflections, a documentary analysis was performed in the guiding documents (national and state) for the teaching of Biology. Preliminary data initially indicate a greater amount of ideas in the analysis of the documents, which are linked to Critical and Post- Critical Curriculum theories, but in a more careful analysis we realize that the documents are essentially oriented to a Traditional Curriculum perspective that we consider to influence the teaching of Biology and, consequently, the teaching of Evolution in High School in the State of Goiás. In relation to the ideas of Biological Evolution and its teaching, we realize that, in general, the documents present the Biological Evolution in a fragmented way and with an Ecological- Evolutionary Approach.There is a relationship between the intentions of national documents with the state document, in which we can find converging points in the four documents, throughout our analysis. In summary, with regard to the materialization of the curriculum in schools, there is still much to be researched and investigated in order to reveal to teachers the intentions embedded in the curriculum design.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEnsino de biologia e evoluçãoCurrículoDiretrizes oficiaisBiology teachingEvolution teachingCurriculumOfficial guidelinesMATEMATICA::MATEMATICA APLICADAOs documentos orientadores nacionais e estadual (Goiás) no contexto da biologia para o ensino médio: teorias de currículo e ensino de evolução biológicaThe national and state (Goiás) guidance documents in the context of biology for middle school: theory of curriculum and teaching of biological evolutionDissertação