2014-11-182013-08-28FERREIRA, Adriano de Melo. A inovação nas políticas educacionais no Brasil: universidade e formação de professores. 2013. 305 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3643This study, along the research line State, Policies and the History of Education, conducted from the perspective of dialectical and historical materialism, set out to analyze the presence of the discussion on innovation in educational policies in Brazil during the civil-military dictatorship and between 1990 and 2000, by relating it to the historical context (social, economic and political) of these two periods. Based on a hypothesis raised by the author that society in recent years seems to have been subjected to a process of inculcation of a ‘culture of innovation’, via the media and education, the research sought to answer the central question about where exactly this discourse would have come from and how it would have become a guiding principle for Brazilian education. On analyzing the expectations of this debate mainly for the university and the formation of teachers for basic education, the research assumed that the act of innovation is a historical creative possibility and cannot therefore be imposed as an obligation to be used, as in the business mold, to make a meritocratic assessment of teaching or subject academic research solely to the interests of production and the market. A documentary research was undertaken which involved an extensive literature review and analysis of influential documents on Brazilian education in these two periods. The analysis showed that the discussion on innovation was and is present in the educational policies of the periods under study, subjected to the private interests of capital and guided by international organizations. It evolved from an applicationist view based on instrumental rationality, typical of the military regime period, into a view of global social involvement based on a systemic perspective which started to be built up with considerable consensus from the 1990s onwards. In the case of the university, it was found that in the two periods under analysis, this theme was rooted in the university/company/State bonding as a means of levering the country’s capitalist competitiveness. As regards teacher formation, the teacher profile demanded by the military regime was different from that of the 1990s, when the need for efficient, innovative, creative teachers began to be highlighted. The latest policies show that in addition to this demand, innovation in teacher formation courses was also demanded within a pre-established profile which is understood to correspond to the intention to enhance a national CT&I system.application/pdfAcesso AbertoInovação educacionalPolíticas educacionaisUniversidadeFormação de professoresEducational innovationEducational policiesUniversityTeacher’s formationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOA inovação nas políticas educacionais no Brasil: universidade e formação de professoresThe innovation in educational policies in Brazil: university and teacher's formationTese