2018-10-022015-04-17BARBOSA, Aleane Francisca Cordeiro. Óleo-resina de copaíba e extrato de barbatimão na dieta de poedeiras comerciais infectadas por Escherichia coli. 2015. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Zootecnia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8935The present study was performed to evaluate the supplementation of copaiba oleo resin or barbatimão extract in the diet of laying hens challenged with Escherichia coli. A total of 200 Isa Brown laying hens (64-76 weeks old) were used, and all the birds were intravaginally inoculated with 0.5 mL of 0.85% sterile saline solution containing 8.8 x 109 CFU / mL of Escherichia coli. It was adopted the randomized complete block design (birds weight used as block criteria), with four treatments and five replicates of 10 birds. The treatments consisted of: basal diet without additives (control); basal diet + 30 mg / kg of antibiotic (halquinol); basal diet + 30 mg / kg of copaiba oleo resin and basal diet + 40 mg / kg barbatimão extract. The experiment lasted three periods of 28 days. At the end of each period, the performance and the external and internal egg quality were evaluated as the search for the presence of Escherichia coli in eggs; and at the end of the total period, the search for Escherichia coli in ovarian follicles and oviduct. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and means, when necessary, were compared by Tukey test (5%). For the Escherichia coli searching in eggs, follicles and oviduct, it was applied descriptive analysis (absolute and relative frequency). The inclusion of 40 mg / kg diet of barbatimão extract lead to worse feed conversion than the control treatment and decreased egg production compared to antibiotic treatment. The addition of 30 mg / kg diet of copaiba oleo resin did not influence the hens performance. The use of barbatimão extract lead to production of heavier eggs, and worse shell thickness and internal quality (UH) when compared to antibiotic treatment. Egg weight, the albumen percentage and the yolk index in the treatment with copaiba oleo resin were better than those of antibiotic treatment. However, the inclusion of copaiba oleo resin resulted in a lower yolk percentage when compared to antibiotic treatment. There was a lower frequency of isolation of Escherichia coli in intra-vaginal swabs samples from treatment with copaiba. The inclusion of barbatimão or copaiba provided lower frequency of isolation of E. coli in ovarian follicles in relation to antibiotic treatment. There was a lower frequency of isolation of E. coli in the oviduct with the addition of barbatimão extract when compared to antibiotic treatment. The treatment with copaiba oleo resin showed higher frequency of isolation of E. coli in the oviduct than the other treatments. The use of copaiba oleo resin or barbatimão extract resulted in lower frequency of isolation of Escherichia coli in the shell, albumen and yolk samples, in relation to antibiotic treatment. The inclusion of copaiba oleo resin may be an alternative to antibiotics in laying hens commercial diets.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAditivosCopaíferaFitogênicosGalinhasStryphnodendron adstringensAdditivesPhytogenicsHensZOOTECNIA::PRODUCAO ANIMALÓleo-resina de copaíba e extrato de barbatimão na dieta de poedeiras comerciais infectadas por Escherichia coliOil resin of copaíba and extract barbatimão in the diet of laying hens infected with Escherichia coliDissertação