2019-08-162019-07-04COELHO, G. A. Implementação da política de regularização fundiária urbana de interesse social em Goiânia: process tracing de três estudos de caso na região noroeste. 2019. 263 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Politica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9933Most of the neighborhoods in the northwest region of the municipality of Goiânia are the result of housing policy promoted irregularly by the governments of the state of Goiás. During the long period, residents of these neighborhoods were unable to receive property titles. It was only from 2012 that the population began to receive the scriptures through the policy of land regularization of social interest implemented by the Housing Agency of the State of Goiás (Agehab). Thus, the objective of this research is to identify sufficient causal mechanisms to explain the results of the implementation of Agehab's land regularization policy, which began in 2008, in three case studies: São Domingos, Jardim Curitiba and the Casa Legal Program, which includes five neighborhoods (Floresta, Boa Vista, Vitória, São Carlos, Conjunto Primavera), condensed into a representative case of the general policy processes. It was used the process tracing method, of the explaining-outcome type, relying on ancillary evidence- gathering methods. Documentary analysis was performed, as well as in-depth interviews which were conducted with actors from the middle (07) and high-level (03) bureaucracies, as well as with community leaders from the studied neighborhoods (08), totaling 18 interviews. Hypotheses of causal mechanisms constructed based on Public Policy and urban policy literature were tested, and then non-systematic variables that emerged from the evidence in process tracing were added to the process tracing. As a result of the research, it is presented the combination of sufficient causal mechanisms of implementation to explain the products delivered by the policy (legal regularization and full regularization). The case of the São Domingos neighborhood was the starting point for the implementation of the policy, where occurred the process of policy learning within the Agency about the construction of the administrative and political process, as well as the beginning of rapprochement between Agehab and the region's population. The Casa Legal Program is marked by the effectiveness of the political and administrative process, in which the high and medium level bureaucracies played a large role in the results of politics, reaching the delivery of a large number of housing scriptures. Noteworthy in this case study is the tension process between politics and technique that resulted in the issuance of scriptures containing cadastral errors. The last case, from Jardim Curitiba, was the only one that received full regularization, which was only possible, due to the role of bureaucratic activism of the first Agency ́s management analyzed, which managed to articulate the transfer of PAC resources from the Ministry of Cities. During the implementation process, stands out the role of the Social Technical Work (TTS) in articulating with community leaders corrections in the initial urban intervention projects that had been elaborated by the technical bureaucracy without prior contact with the population of the neighborhood. It is also highlighted the role of ideas on land regularization, incorporated by Agehab's management and bureaucracies, in a way that impacted on how the Agency identified the housing problem, as well as the tools used to solve them.application/pdfAcesso AbertoImplementaçãoRegularização fundiária de interesse socialPolítica públicaBurocraciaPACPrograma casa legalProcess tracingImplementationLand regularization of social interestPublic policyBureaucracyCasa legal programCIENCIA POLITICA::POLITICAS PUBLICASImplementação da política de regularização fundiária urbana de interesse social em Goiânia: process tracing de três estudos de caso na região noroesteImplementation of the urban land regularization policy of social interest in Goiânia: process tracing of three case studies in the northwest regionDissertação