2014-07-292009-04-272008-12-04BUENO, Meygla Rezende. The recorder in the one process of musical initiation of the elder citizens. 2008. 175 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Linguística, Letras e Artes) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2693This research, of a qualitative paradigm, discusses the process of musical initiation of senior citizens, discussing some methodological proceedings which can be used as a means to provide a better condition of life for the elderly. For the development of the research, the recorder was chosen as instrument of early musical instruction. In the process of repertoire selection, with the intention of guaranteeing pleasure in the musical activity, pieces were chosen contemplating the taste, age and everyday life of the individuals envolved in the research. The research had as a theoretical basis the works of the authors Dalcroze, Orff, Kodály, Willems, Garmendia (1981), Swanwick (2003), Sekeff (2007), Rodrigues (2003), and Zanini (2003), among others. Based on a bibliographical research about musical education, old age, subjective well-being and the social image of these people, it was possible to observe the relation between music and elderly people, verifying how the former can act in the human being and help in successful aging. The data, collected through weekly observations/classes of a duration of one hour which extended over a period of ten months were analyzed in the light of the phenomenological and the existential method. The individuals musical notions were compared at the beginning and at the end of the observations/classes. With the comparison done, the result shows that the elderly were able to assimilate the content provided throughout the research. A questionnaire (for the verification of the elderly s profile) was applied, as well as the evaluations and statements of the individuals, a group of fifteen elderly people, members of the Association of the Elderly of Brazil/Goiânia. It was noticed, after the analysis of the data, that music supports successful aging, because it contributes to better socialization, communication, creativity, and motor coordination of the elderly.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFlauta docemusicalizaçãoidosoRecordermusical initiationelderlyCNPQ::LINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::ARTES::MUSICAA flauta doce em um processo de musicalização na terceira idadeThe recorder in the one process of musical initiation of the elder citizensDissertação