2016-09-122015-11-18PIRES ZANETTI, R. R. Prova Brasil: compreendendo os sentidos atribuídos por professores ao desempenho dos estudantes. 2015. 280 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação em Ciências e Matemática) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6181This study has the objective to analyze the meanings attributed by teachers to student performance in “Prova Brasil”, with respect to numerical knowledge. The theoretical reference is the History-Cultural Theory (Vygotsky, Leontiev, Luria and others), more specifically the contribution of the authors who have dedicated themselves to the study of human activity as the central unit of the life of the concrete subject. The question that guided this study is: What is the meaning attributed to the performance of students in the early years, teachers who teach mathematics with respect to numerical knowledge expressed by the external evaluation– “Prova Brasil”? The method of investigation is the dialectical historical materialism. The organization of study is based on a documentary research. This makes it possible to understand the formation of movement of the Goiânia Municipal Network, as well as external evaluations, in particular, the Prova Brasil. It was conducted a conceptual literature search, they were presented the theoretical syntheses produced from the study of the works of different authors who helped to understand the studied object - the personal meaning attributed to the errors. We proceeded to the investigation of numerical knowledge present in Prova Brasil. For the study of these knowledge, specifically the conceptual links the concept of number, Hindu Arabic decimal numbering system, were major contributors the following authors: Caraça, Ifrah, Lanner de Moura, Dias and Moretti. Developed a field research consisted of questionnaires and interviews with RME teachers of Goiânia. The WebQda software was taken as another methodological resource to help in the analysis and organization of qualitative data. These were arranged in two axes, namely cultural practices of teachers to teach and numerical knowledge: the conceptual links necessary for the construction of theoretical thinking. The teachers interviewed reported ruptures between the social significance and personal meaning, as well as between the reasons for the activities and purposes of the shares. As for the sense it presents far the social meaning of what is universal, what would learn about the numerical knowledge. This teachers’ observation denounces that the work done by them does not produce the expected effects, namely: that children learn. This understanding enables reflect the non-comprehension of the error results of non-appropriation of social meanings in respect to numerical knowledge as cultural assets. The results lead to the attempt to overcome the alienation of school work, so as to allow the construction of meaning on access to assets produced by men in the humanization process.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProva BrasilErrosProfessor de matemáticaTeoria histórico-culturalConhecimento numéricoSentido pessoalErrorsMath teacherHistorical-cultural theoryNumeracyPersonal senseMATEMATICA::MATEMATICA APLICADAProva Brasil: compreendendo os sentidos atribuídos por professores ao desempenho dos estudantes“Prova Brasil”: understanding the meanings attributed by teachers to student performanceDissertação