2014-10-232014-07-03PARREIRA, Fernanda Ramos. Corpo marginal: o processo de inclusão social nas políticas públicas desenvolvidas pela Secretaria Municipal de Esporte e Lazer, no município de Goiânia, entre 1997 e 2013. 2014 . 114 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Politica) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3452This dissertation takes as its object of study the public policy of sport and leisure, particularly public policy of sport and leisure developed by the municipal administration of the city of Goiania from the period of creation of the Municipal Sports and Leisure in 1997, up the year 2013. Through case study of the Program "Caminhando com Saúde" can be observed in the socio-political configuration of the field of sport and leisure in goianiense context, and understand its relation with the social inclusion process. This study is inspired by the Bourdieu studies of, in particular in the field theory to understand the dynamics of institutionalization of certain types of public policy for the field of sport and leisure, coupled with the theory of the public policy process, the model in question coalition of advocacy framework developed by Sabatier and Weible, which argues that the process of construction of public policy is linked to beliefs, values and ideas of actors involved in the dispute by the type of policy to be implemented. Moreover, the work converses with specific theories in the area of sport and leisure seeking to understand the phenomenon of sports and leisure practices associated with social and political configuration of contemporary society and for that, returns to the studies of Norbert Elias, regarding the theory of process civilization, to understand sociogenesis sport and leisure and its influence in shaping modern Western society. About the research methodological process was based on the qualitative approach and exploratory. Was used as the methods and techniques to document analysis, direct observation and content analysis. The application of interviews with the actors involved was held to "Caminhando com Saúde" program, users, physical education professionals and public administrator. Results showed that limitations concern public policies of sport and leisure in the city of Goiânia resulting from various factors, such as the low budget allocated to institutional folder, low interest authorizing body to foster and improve the implemented programs and nonparticipation of technical and community body in the design, implementation and mainly reviewed the policies implemented by SEMEL.application/pdfAcesso AbertoInclusão socialEsporte e lazerPolíticas públicasSocial inclusionSport and leisurePublic policyCIENCIA POLITICA::POLITICAS PUBLICASCorpo marginal: o processo de inclusão social nas políticas públicas desenvolvidas pela Secretaria Municipal de Esporte e Lazer, no município de Goiânia, entre 1997 e 2013Marginal body: the process of social inclusian in public policies developed by the Secretary of Sport and LeisureDissertação