2017-06-052016-10-14SOUZA, T. P. Trabalho, profissionalização, identidade e relações de gênero no campo da tecnologia da informação. 2016. 363 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7411This thesis analyzes the work and identity of professionals committed in the process of developing software in Brazil. It was questioned if the publications of magazines and sites of the area of Information Technology (henceforth IT) about, work, career and profession diffuse values associated with the new forms of work management and to a new identity of the ideal professional; it was sought out, also, if professionals of the field adhere to the discourse of these publications and the identity constructed by the same. The methodology holds a triangulation of sources and methods, incorporating the analysis of governmental databases, discourse analysis of the materials of magazines and sites of the area and the application of surveys directed to professionals inserted in two distinct contractual modalities: professionals with formal work contracts and professionals inserted in flexible forms of work and entrepreneurs. The discourse analysis of the materials, undertaken between the years of 1984 and 2014, permitted the identification of questions relative to the identity, the relations of gender and the process of professionalization and regulation of the IT area. Concerning identity, it was possible to identify the period in which there is a certain breakthrough around the ideas and values related to the "informatics profession", as it was called in the beginning, and the constitution of a new ideal of professional, the TI professional. This one must adhere to a new identity guided in entrepreneurship, in the management of self and in a taste for change. As for the dimension of gender, it was possible to identify a generified discursive construction, in which the ideas and values of the ideal professional is in line with the images of gender and the social representations linked to the masculine universe. It was also found a low presence of images of women in general and a sub-representation of images of black men and women. On the question of professionalization, it was possible to identify a field in which there are feuds. On one side, there is a discourse related to the ideals of liberty, competence, and meritocracy. These ideals are associated with arguments contrary to the regulation of the profession. On the other side, there is a discourse favorable to the regulation, paved on the importance of the security of society, which is given in the professional recognition and appreciation, searching for more ideal work conditions. To this discourse the vision of most professionals of the area is aligned. The comparative analysis of the surveys allowed us to evince that professionals inserted in flexible forms of work and entrepreneurs are in a situation of larger fragility at work in comparison to people bound to public companies. This is observed in the bonds of work which, destitute of social protection, with smaller salaries and having bigger workloads, bring the perception that the pay is low, in view of qualifications and competences possessed. As of que question of social recognition, it was found that the professionals of both groups attribute positive feelings to the work, but consider that the job is not recognized by society. Lastly, the analysis of the relation between work and family permitted the finding that women spend more hours in the domestic work, evincing inequalities of gender in the field. The research permitted the finding that the publications of the field possess, in common, the diffusion of values associated with the new forms of work management and of a business identity. By analyzing if the professionals inserted in different work bonds adhere to this discourse and this identity, it is possible to reach the following hypothesis: even if the professionals agree with determined aspects of the discourse , they do not adhere integrally to it, attributing negative values to the flexible work bonds, criticizing the lack of social recognition and, therefore, rejecting, in great measure, the pillars of the identity of the "IT Professional", which is, the business identity.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProfissional de TIProfissional de informáticaIdentidadeProfissionalizaçãoGêneroRaçaIT professionalInformatics professionalIdentityProfessionalizationGenderRaceCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIATrabalho, profissionalização, identidade e relações de gênero no campo da tecnologia da informaçãoTese