2015-01-282014-08-29SILVA, Guilherme Xavier da. Níveis de valina digestível nas dietas pré-inicial e inicial com redução dos níveis de proteína bruta para frangos. 2014. 66 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3963Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the supplementation of digestible valine in the diet for the pre-starter and starter phases of rearing chickens. The variables evaluated were performance, metabolization of nutrients, development of digestive organs and lymphoid organs, and lymphocyte count of lymphoid organs of broilers from breeders of two ages. In Experiment I and II the supplemental digestible valine for broilers were evaluated in the pre -start and early stage at each stage using 400 day-old chicks old commercial Cobb, were obtained from arrays of 37 and 52 weeks of age, respectively, housed in experimental batteries until 21 days of age, fed different levels of digestible valine 0.92%, 1.02%, 1.12%, 1.22% and 0.83%, 0.93 %, 1.03% and 1.13% in the pre-starter and starter ration, respectively. The experimental design in both experiments was a completely randomized factorial 2 x 4 (ages matrices x levels of valine) totaling eight treatments with 5 replicates (10 birds per replicate). Data were subjected to analysis of variance and levels of digestible valine polynomial regression was applied. In the pre-starter phase, birds from arrays of 52 weeks showed greater weight of arrival compared the birds from arrays of 37 weeks. In the initial phase, effect of dietary valine for feed intake, which decreased the amount of feed consumed with inclusion of 1.03% digestible valine was observed. For the data of metabolism of nutrients, four to seven days of age of the bird, negative quadratic effect was seen when evaluating the levels of amino acid in the pre-starter diet as the nitrogen balance, coefficient of metabolism of nitrogen and retained nitrogen with point maximum of 1,156; 1.114 and 1.172% digestible valine in the diet, respectively. Breeder age significantly influenced the coefficient of nitrogen metabolism with higher values for chicks from arrays of 37 weeks. In the analysis of the morphology of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, the effect of age in isolation matrix was observed for villus height and villus: crypt in the duodenum with higher values for birds from arrays of 52 weeks to seven days old. By analyzing the different levels of digestible valine positive linear effect was observed in villus height and villus: crypt ratio and negative linear effect on crypt depth in the duodenum to seven days old. The age of the matrix effect on weight of total gut of chickens after seven and 21 days old, with higher values for arrays chicks from 52 week-old. Likewise, the higher age of the matrix positively influenced in the production of lymphocytes in the thymus at seven days old and the bursa at 21 days of age. There was interaction between breeder age and levels of digestible valine analyzed for spleen at seven days of age. When using the recommendations of the Brazilian Tables, which is 1.02% digestible valine to the pre-starter phase, the spleen showed lower lymphocyte production for younger mothers. But was verified by regression analysis of data, which when increased levels of digestible valine inclusion in the pre -starter diet, there is a positive linear improvement in the production of lymphocytes.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAminoácidosDesempenhoIdade da matrizÓrgãos digestóriosAmino acidsBreeder ageDigestive organsPerformancePRODUCAO ANIMAL::CRIACAO DE ANIMAISNíveis de valina digestível nas dietas pré-inicial e inicial com redução dos níveis de proteína bruta para frangosLevels in diets valina digestible pre-initial initial and with reduced levels of crude protein for chickensDissertação