2015-12-072014-09-26COSTA, R. N. Impactos da avaliação diagnóstica nas aulas de língua portuguesa das escolas de Quirinópolis - Goiás. 2014. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiás, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5014This thesis aims to identify the Assessment Diagnostic impacts in the teaching practice of Portuguese Language teachers (LP) at some public schools in Quirinópolis-GO city. The test is part of the teaching-learning process, and as a teacher of the state public school, there were concerns about the issue regarding the application of large-scale assessments in the network, they are: Which impacts of this Assessment can the teachers of LP suffer? How do the teachers understand the results obtained by this evaluation method? How are the results of this evaluation used by the school, the teacher and the Education Department? These concerns echoed and became more disquieting after Thiago Peixoto was named the Secretary of Education in Goiás in 2011, and he proposed changes in state education through The Pact for Education program. This is a qualitative research, however we still need to quantify several data, considering that the whole process of large-scale are quantified anyway. Thus, it was necessary to analyze such data so that research became solid with consistent basis, both in the data as in the theories. I chose to search four state public schools in Quirinópolis because they provide the 9th grade, the focus of my analysis. This research uses studies by theorists focused on the area of education, which theorize about evaluations in the education sector in different areas and instances of that space. I use studies of Hoffman (1995, 2001, 1991), Luckesi (2008), Libâneo (1994), Freitas et al. (2009), Grochosca (2013), Demo (1999) and Viana (2003). In addition, I seek theoretical support in teaching Portuguese Language studies authors like Koch (2005), Travaglia (1998), Bakhtin (2010) , PCNs of Portuguese Language (BRAZIL 1998), and Scaramucci (1999) and other documents governing the education level of the state and country. The research does an interpretative analysis from the quantitative data and responses from interviews and questionnaires applied to the subjects of it. Four schools, four teachers, a coordinator of a school, the SEDUC team, responsible for organizing the Diagnostic Assessment and for monitoring and supporting the Regional Offices of Education (SRE) were surveyed. In the city where surveyed schools are located, the responsible for the assessment of the Regional Education Department was also interviewed. The analysis of the interviews sent the search to certain considerations such as the issue of training performed by teachers, the pressure that they suffer for having positive results in numbers and also the impacts caused by the Diagnostic Assessment in the teaching practice of Portuguese Language teachers and the school routine in general. Reminding that a search like that does not end here and that new doors are opened to further investigation as is a broad subject and requires more discussion.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAvaliação diagnósticaEnsino-aprendizagemImpactosPacto pela educaçãoLíngua portuguesaDiagnostic assessmentTeaching and learningImpactsPact for educationPortuguese languageLINGUISTICA, LETRAS E ARTES::LETRASImpactos da avaliação diagnóstica nas aulas de língua portuguesa das escolas de Quirinópolis - GoiásImpacts of diagnostic evaluation in portuguese language classes of Quirinopolis - Goiás schoolsDissertação