2016-08-032016-02-26BEZERRA, Maria Marciária Martins. Memória política e educação em direitos humanos: saberes e práticas pedagógicas na escola municipal Marcos Antônio Dias Batista, em Goiânia. 2016. 160 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5806This talks search about Memory and Education Policy on Human Rights, based on Projeto Somos Sujeitos do Nosso Tempo, the Municipal School Marcos Antônio Dias Batista. Makes an analysis of memory locations Policy and Human Rights Education, the Breaking of the said school teaching practices, relying on the testimony of victims of the military dictatorship, any period from 1964 to 1985. The proposed study arose hair understand the importance of Interest Public Policy Human Rights Education, the challenges of the National Education Plan Implementation on Human Rights (PNEDH). The assumption this policy and enable the construction of a society guided by the culture of peace, therefore, the law in culture Through His Knowledge, Understanding, Awareness and make respect for human rights. The aim of this study and dub. Even pace that seeks to assess the hum of Implementation Project articulates that memory Policy and Human Rights Education, and in turn, also the visualization of Instrument a rare our practice in schools. The first part of the research, focuses on the historical description of the origin of human rights and epistemological ITS developments. Still, this time, we make a description of Human Rights in Latin America and Brazil. In the second part, we explore the right to Memory, Truth and Justice, highlighting Transitional Justice in Brazil. Then present a National Truth Commission, As a result of transitional justice advancement. Finally, we present an oral history, as Research Methodology, and ascertained as developed pedagogical practices for Projeto Somos Sujeitos do Nosso Tempo subject is his contribution to training of children and youth of the Municipal School Marcos Antônio Dias Batista. We conclude emphasizing that Education in Human Rights for anymore, points paragraph the look multidirectional and multidisciplinary causing no changes thinking, feeling and no human act. Key-application/pdfAcesso AbertoMemória políticaDireitos humanosDitadura militarJustiça de transiçãoEducação em direitos humanosPolitic memoryHuman rightsMilitary dictatorshipTransitional justiceEducation in human rightsCIENCIA POLITICA::POLITICAS PUBLICASMemória política e educação em direitos humanos: saberes e práticas pedagógicas na escola municipal Marcos Antônio Dias Batista, em GoiâniaMemory and education policy on human rights, based on projeto somos sujeitos do nosso tempo, the municipal school Marcos Antônio Dias Batista in GoiâniaDissertação