2014-07-292011-02-042008-08-11RODRIGUES, Maria Emília de Castro. "Enraizamento of hope ": the theoretical foundations of the movement of Basic Education in Goiás. 2008. 316 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1077Our Subject of study in the line research the Education, Work and Social Moviments of the Education Doctorate, the Movement of Basic Education in Goiás (MEB-Goiás), in the 1960s, carried out the process of adult education in rural areas, through the radio. It is a case built through the review of the literature related to the theme; by the analysis of documents (books, newspapers, texts, theses and dissertations, literature, poetry, songs, letters, interviews etc.), that recover stories of life and actions of those who built the MEB-Goiás, pursuing to capture theoretical and philosophicalpolitical benchmarks which influenced and argued its political-educational practice. The datas were analyzed based on readings of works from authors like Amado, Bosi, Brandão, Chardin, Fávero, Freire, Kadt, Lima e Arantes, Mounier, Peixoto Filho, Pessoa, Queiroz, Thompson, Vaz, and others. The analysis of the MEB-Goiás, in 1961 the 1966, indicated that the political and educational practice historically situated and therefore with the peasants, was a result of a possible construction, because of the confluence of a number of factors, like: the historic moment; the histories of life, commitment and militancy of Team Central and monitors the movement, supporting popular adults literacy/education articulated to the aims and needs of workers from rural areas; the dialogue with the theoretical reference from MEB-Nacional, from national and international authors in Church, social movements and popular education; the option, from the end of 1962, for a critical and transforming education.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação rural -jovens e adultos - Goiás [Estado]Movimento de educação de base (MEB) - Goiás [Estado]Movimentos Sociais - Educação PopularAlfabetização de jovens e adultos - meio ruralRural education, youth and adults - Goias [state], Movement of basic education (MEB) - Goias [State], Social Movements - Popular Education, Literacy and young adults - the ruralCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO"Enraizamento de esperança" : as bases teóricas do movimento de Educação de Base em Goiás"Enraizamento of hope ": the theoretical foundations of the movement of Basic Education in GoiásTese