2014-07-292010-09-152010-08-16RESENDE, Juliana Cherobino de. Organizational psychology and professional education: the limtis of learning to emocipation in administrated society. 2010. 167 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1981The changes in the world of labor are being followed by modification in the organizational psychology and professional education. In this context, the individual strives to fit the job market, projecting difficulties of resistance to the process of alienation. As the career ladder shows the workflow of the social running, contributing with the consistency of subjectivity, the purpose of this research is to debate the strain between alienation and emancipation of the pattern of professional education presented by the organizational psychology at the interface with the subjective elements presented by critical theory, which tend to prioritize the submission in detriment of the autonomy. Written by theoretical values with the aim of rearrange the tendencies of the world of labor, the current study includes the elements related to material aspects, cultural and subjectives of the organizational psychology and professional education. The bibliographic research privileges the critical theory of the Frankfurt School contribution suggesting the Horkheimer, Adorno and Marcuse with Marx, Weber and Freud; authors that debate about the domination mechanism of the capitalist system and the subjectives process of fellows inserted in this reality. Since Marx theory, one try to discuss how the material features promote the intension of alienated work. Based on Weber s theory, one try to comprehend the connection with rationality control ideology administrated with the utilitarianism intensification in the professional education and in the organizational psychology. One turn to Freud s theory to investigate the subjectives elements that immobilize the attachment rash of some individual to the capitalism inequality and the cultural industry illusion. With the science, the education, the labor and the individual are locus as much as reproduction and autonomy, this research is intended to provide elements to think about the correct confront of the transformation of objectives and subjectives condition that restrict the apprenticeship to emancipation. Is pointed out the necessity to mobilize forces from the work of organizational psychology and professional education in order to question the ideology of the administered society, whose overvaluation of the pragmatic model inhibits education dialectic against the harshness of apathy and exploration.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPsicologia organizacionaleducação profissionalsubjetividadeteoria críticaOrganizational psychologyprofessional educationsubjectivitycritical theoryCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOPsicologia Organizacional e Educação Profissional: os limites da aprendizagem para a emancipação na sociedade administradaOrganizational psychology and professional education: the limtis of learning to emocipation in administrated societyDissertação