2014-07-292011-01-252010-12-10FREIRE JÚNIOR, Josias José. Philosophy of Language - Philosophy of History: Origins of the concept of History Walter Benjamin. 2010. 160 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2310This work, named "Philosophy of Language - Philosophy of History presents some ideas about the concept of history of the German philosopher Walter Benjamin (1892-1940). It aims to establish a dialogue between conceptual nuances of the philosophy of language, theory of experience, philosophy of artworks and epistemology of Walter Benjamin to present the structure and the deployment of its design, its concept of history from his philosophy language. Such intent may be submitted by the assertion that in the origin - a category of Benjamin‟s philosophy - the concept of history Walter Benjamin is established within his philosophy of language. Thus this work opens with a commentary and analysis of two remarkable writings of German philosopher, where it states his philosophy of language. The reflection proposed in this work also involves examining a series of tests that appears in the theory of experience and by reflection on the essays of Walter Benjamin where the relationship between his philosophy of language and philosophy of artworks that illuminates. Finally unfolds analysis and commentary of the text's fundamental theory of knowledge and the concept of history, where the connections - the structure and deployment of the philosopher's concept of history appear more clearly within and in his philosophy of language. Back to the writings of Walter Benjamin from the landscape theory of history must mean the effort by to update his philosophy, particularly his concept of history, broaden the discussion about the status and conditions of production historical knowledge.application/pdfAcesso AbertoFilosofia da linguagemhistóriateoria da históriaPhilosophy of languagehistorytheory of history1. Filosofia da Linguagem 2. Epistemologia 3. História Teoria da HistóriaCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAFilosofia da linguagem filosofia da História: origem do conceito de História de Walter BenjaminPhilosophy of Language - Philosophy of History: Origins of the concept of History Walter BenjaminDissertação