2018-11-052018-06-29PEREIRA, Luciano Alves. Cidadania como diálogo: as dimensões públicas e comunitária da comunicação no programa de regularização fundiária plena do Jardim Curitiba em Goiânia. 2018. 281 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9032The present study intends to uncover the communicative character in the interaction of community communication used in the scope of government communication as a field for the understanding of a way of citizenship and as a viable alternative to a model of public communication. What will allow us to understand: what is the concept of communication proper to this type of public policy; how the use of community communication can contribute to the development of government communication policies, constituting itself as a citizenship of right of expression and participation; how positivization of community communication practices through normative or constitutional interventions favors the exercise of participatory democracy and freedom of expression; the characteristic developments of citizenship that emerged from the involvement of a community with the production of media content used in a government policy. The study is about Community Communication in the context of Government Communication as a constitutive factor of a communicative citizenship The methodological path of research begins with the bibliographical research in order to establish a general conception in the confluences of the perspectives of communication and citizenship, the analysis documentary and content analysis. It seeks to provide new contours and a way of understanding and explaining the processes of interaction, sociability and citizenship, showing the role of communication fundamentals in the construction of meanings in modern and democratic society, activating the possibility of communicational autonomy of society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoComunicação públicaComunicação comunitáriaComunicação governamentalCidadaniaPublic communicationCommunity communicationGovernment communicationCitizenshipCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOCidadania como diálogo: as dimensões públicas e comunitária da comunicação no programa de regularização fundiária plena do Jardim Curitiba em GoiâniaCitizenship as a dialogue: the public and community dimensions of the communication in the program of fundary regularization of the Garden Curitiba in GoiâniaDissertação