2014-07-292011-02-082008-08-22SOUSA, Ana Maria Gonçalves de. PUBLIC FUNDING OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENT: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CASES OF BRAZIL AND PORTUGAL. 2008. 254 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciências Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2008.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/1149This research has as its theme the student public funding in higher education in Brazil and in Portugal and it is inserted in the State and Educational Policies field in the Post-Graduation Education Program at Goiás Federal University (UFG). This research analyses the systems of public education financing in higher education for low income Brazilian and Portuguese students. It studies the public financing programs in both countries: the Portuguese scholarship, Bolsa Estudantil, and two Brazilian programs: Higher Education Student Loan Fund (FIES) and University for All Program (ProUni). It tries to identify, characterize and compare these programs to evaluate their contribution to the access to higher education democratization process in these countries. It performs a comparative analysis based on bibliographical and documental reviews and it is based on the research done by Nóvoa (1998), Pereyra (1990), Popkewitz (1997, 2000), Koifman (2004) and others. It prioritizes the studies about qualitative and quantitative practices made by Thiollent (1984), Lüdke e André (1986), Bogdan e Biklen (1994). The reflections on reform, equality, justice, regulation, public and private are based on studies made by Afonso (2003), Barroso (2003, 2006), Bobbio (2004, 2007), Sacristán e Gómez (1998), Popkewitz (1997, 2000), Montoro (1980), Carnoy (2002), Severino (2005) and other thinkers. The bibliographical review on higher education finance has the support of Cabrito (2002), Conceição et al. (1998) e Seixas s (2003) works and it also presents the reviews of the documents and laws about student loan public financing produced by international institutions and by Brazil s and Portugal s governments. The comparative analysis of the student loan programs in these countries allowed the identification of similarities and differences, considering the particularities of each country. The research shows the increasing public participation in the financing of private higher education institutions through scholarship programs justified by a democratization of access process. This alteration, in the last decades, occurred due to economical, social and political reforms, especially the neoliberal state policy reform. It concludes that the student loan public financing policies in Brazil and in Portugal have not achieved yet the goal of allowing low income students universal access to higher education.application/pdfAcesso AbertoEducação superiorFinanciamento público estudantilDemocratização do acessoHigher educationStudent public fundingDemocratization of access1. Estudantes universitários - Bolsa de estudos 2. Ensino superior - financiamento - Estudantes 3. Brasil - Estudantes universitários - Bolsa de estudos 4. Portugal - Estudantes universitários 5. FunCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAO::PLANEJAMENTO E AVALIACAO EDUCACIONAL::POLITICA EDUCACIONALFINANCIAMENTO PÚBLICO ESTUDANTIL DO ENSINO SUPERIOR: UMA ANÁLISE COMPARATIVA DOS CASOS DO BRASIL E DE PORTUGALPUBLIC FUNDING OF HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENT: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CASES OF BRAZIL AND PORTUGALTese