2017-10-062015-10-16COSTA, T. A. C. Ressuscitação volêmica com diferentes soluções em modelo murino de choque hemorrágico. 2015. 85 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7854Despite being the main form of treatment for resuscitation in shock cases, the fluid therapy remains controversial. In this sense, this study aimed to make a fluid resuscitation review in hemorrhagic shock cases to identify the controversies that concern this topic and then, conduct an experimental study evaluating the cardiocirculatory effects of some mixed protocols of fluid resuscitation on a murine model of hemorrhagic shock. On the experiment was compared the performance of lactated Ringer's solution (RL) (RLG, n=6), 7.5% NaCl (HIPG, n=6), hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 6% (CG n=6), and a combination of 20% NaCl with hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 6% (HCG, n=6). All treatments was followed by the use, if required, of RL so that the mean arterial pressure (MAP) was maintained ≥ 75mmHg for 120 minutes (late phase). No one of the resuscitation treatments was enough to maintain MAP above 75 mmHg for 120 minutes, making it necessary to supplement fluid therapy with RL (61.7±11.4mL/kg in the RLG, 73.2±23.7mL/kg in HIPG, 46.2±20.7mL/kg in CG and 46.4±26.1mL/kg in HCG). In CG and HCG groups all animals survived the early and late stages of resuscitation. In GRL and GHIP groups, two animals (33.3%) died at the late phase of experiment. In conclusion the resuscitation in RLG and HIPG groups was less efficient than the resuscitation in HCG and CG groups. The hydroxyethyl 130/0.4 6% administration was most advantageous becouse promote adequate and durable fluid resuscitation in rats.application/pdfAcesso AbertoChoqueColoideCristaloideFluidoterapiaRato colloidCrystalloidFluidRatShockPATOLOGIA ANIMAL::PATOLOGIA CLINICA ANIMALRessuscitação volêmica com diferentes soluções em modelo murino de choque hemorrágicoVolemic resuscitation with different solutions in murino model of hemorrhagic shockTese