2020-09-032020-09-032020-03-12ESTRELA, H. Sexo e gênero na ciência: as desigualdades nas atividades acadêmicas científicas entre mulheres e homens docentes de programas de pós-graduação em Ciências Agrárias. 2020.127 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Comunicação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2020.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10546The objective of this work is to investigate the relationship between gender (men and women) and the involvement in academic scientific activities of the teaching staff linked to postgraduate courses, doctoral level, in Agricultural Sciences in the country between 2013 and 2017. The study deals with the insertion of women in science and in the teaching and research labor market. It brings discussions about science, modern science and feminism's contributions to the problematization of gender in science. The delimitation in the area of Agrarian Sciences is due to the fact that it is the area of knowledge that has more investment, in view of the other areas of knowledge and because it is one of the first graduate courses in Brazil, in addition to being the main participation in economy in the State of Goiás. The development of this work is justified by convenience, since it is the main area of research, housing and performance of the institution where the researcher works. In methodological terms, a quantitative approach is adopted, through the statistical tests "student t", chi square for comparative data of students and inferential data analysis. Quantitative data were obtained on the Sucupira and Lattes platforms and scientific scientific activities related to: intellectual production (full articles published in journals, chapters of published books), complete work in conference proceedings, abstracts and expanded abstracts published through the participation in events, presentations at congresses, exhibitions and fairs and guidance in progress and concluded and participation in newsstands in defense of academic works. For the extraction of data, the webscraping technique was used for the quantitative collection of academic scientific activities on the Lattes platform and through the Power BI software, for making the graphs and visualizing data to perform statistical tests and analyzes. Through the tools and methodologies made, it was found that there are statistical differences between sex and between the age group of and the teachers surveyed. Men are more numerous as teachers and have a greater number of productivity grants. The academic activity with the highest participation, for both sexes, is participation in events and the most representative age group is 50 to 54 years old.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 BrazilGênero e ciênciaAtividades acadêmicas científicasCiências AgráriasComunicação científicaCulturaGender and scienceAcademic scientific activitiesAgrarian SciencesScientific communicationCultureCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::COMUNICACAOSexo e gênero na ciência: as desigualdades nas atividades acadêmicas científicas entre mulheres e homens docentes de programas de pós-graduação em Ciências AgráriasSex and gender in science: the inequalities in scientific academic activities among women and men teachers of graduate programs in Agricultural SciensesDissertação