2023-03-212023-03-212023-02-01GINU, Y. F. Comparativo entre a geração fotovoltaica em aplicações utilizando inversores de string e microinversores. 2023. 79 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia de Produção) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Aparecida de Goiânia, 2023.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12684In terms of Brazil's Internal Energy Supply (OIE), there was a significant increase in the total available, registering an increase of 4.5% from 2020 to 2021, a value close to the GDP growth. For the Electricity Matrix there is an increase in domestic supply of 3.9% compared to 2020, but with a slight decrease in the participation of renewable energy sources, influenced mainly by the decline in supply of hydroelectric power. However, the growing use of biodiesel and wind and solar sources contributed to the Brazilian Energy Matrix reaching the renewable energy level of 44.7%, surpassing most of the other countries around the world. Solar photovoltaic generation is responsible for 5.5% of this share and has reached a gross generation volume of 16.8 TWh in 2021, representing an advance of 55.9%. Consequently, there is a race for the technological development of photovoltaic generation, especially the efficiency of solar modules and inverters. Micro inverters are gaining prominence for promoting an increase in the generation of electrical energy, by being able to reduce generation losses due to shading effects, orientation differences and mismatch losses because they can control, individually, the energy extracted from each module, however there is still a dominance of string inverter technology in residential applications. This paper aims to compare the two inverter technologies through actual yield data from monitoring the photovoltaic modules in 06 consumer units with microinverters in operation. The data is collected from the online monitoring platform and used to compose the generation if a string inverter with compatible commercial power was used, considering the conversion efficiencies for each technology. The technical and economic feasibility of the scenarios is performed by the main evaluation indexes. It was observed that the most influential factor in the analyses were the intrinsic losses of the photovoltaic systems, due to the inclinations of the modules, shading and differences in the yields of the inverters and microinverters increasing the attractiveness of the microinverter. The ID-05 plant presented the best results for the real layout, precisely because it presents a totally clipped topology, with different orientations, inclinations and suffering losses due to partial shading. The increase in the rated power of the plant has less influence than the technical losses when analyzing the financial return on investment, i.e., for cases with few losses factors the generation of the string inverters and the microinverters are similar, increasing the payback time of the investment.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalEficiência energéticaEnergia fotovoltaicaInversores stringInversores fotovoltaicosMicroinversoresEnergy efficiencyMicroinvertersPhotovoltaic energyPhotovoltaic invertersString invertersENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA DE PRODUCAO::ENGENHARIA DO PRODUTOComparativo entre a geração fotovoltaica em aplicações utilizando inversores de string e microinversoresComparison between photovoltaic generation in applications using string inverters and microinvertersDissertação