2014-07-292010-08-172010-04-09OLIVEIRA, Renan Rodrigues de. Contextualized Retrieval of Documents Integrated by Protocol OAI-PMH. 2010. 138 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Exatas e da Terra - Ciências da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2010.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/532This work focuses on two aspects: the integration of a set of digital libraries, repositories and other data providers through the OAI-PMH protocol (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) and contextualized documents retrieval in this integrated repository. It is proposed the use of ontologies and content analysis of articles in wiki environments in the context definition. The interest in ontologies is in its use as artifacts of specification domain. An ontology is a data model that represents a set of concepts and their relationships within a domain of knowledge. A wiki is a collaborative environment, containing a collection of items connected by hyperlinks, which can be edited collectively by using a web browser. In this work, the wiki environments are used as an auxiliary repository of knowledge to the extraction of relevant terms. Thus, several concepts and relationships that may not be present in the ontology that specifies the domain of knowledge (since the construction of ontologies is a complex process) can be identified. The result of the developed tool processing is a ranking of documents ordered by a higher degree of importance with respect to the query provided by a user and a particular domain of knowledge, which is specified by an ontology.application/pdfAcesso AbertoOAI-PMHIntegração de Repositórios DigitaisOntologiasAmbientes WikiContextualização de DocumentosOAI-PMHIntegration of Digital RepositoriesOntologiesWiki EnvironmentsContextualization of Documents1.OAI-PMH 2.Repositórios digitais - integração 3.Ontologias 4.Ambientes Wiki 5.Documentos - contextualizaçãoCNPQ::CIENCIAS EXATAS E DA TERRA::CIENCIA DA COMPUTACAO::METODOLOGIA E TECNICAS DA COMPUTACAO::SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAORecuperação Contextualizada de Documentos Integrados pelo Protocolo OAI-PMHContextualized Retrieval of Documents Integrated by Protocol OAI-PMHDissertação