2019-04-112019-02-27SIQUEIRA, Nayara Milhomens de.Colonização das sementes: as políticas públicas como legitimadoras de um sistema de dominação. 2019. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9469The present dissertation aims to investigate whether the national seed policy in the country reproduces a colonial logic that hinders its achievement. For this, the first chapter sought to identify the relationship between colonialism and the domination of nature through the general tendency for global oligopolized control of food production, processing and distribution. We investigate how domination and exploitation today remain through coloniality, an essential element of the modern colonial world-system of reproduction of social practices and power that reinforce relations of domination and exploitation, causing impacts through technology and concentration power in the agrarian world. In the second chapter we address the seed situation in Brazil, treating traditional seeds as an expression of Brazilian genetic and cultural heritage, its influence on the realization of the human right to food and the risks of losing traditional knowledge due to a lack of awareness of its value. The aim was to analyze the legal protection of seeds and the monopoly on seed control, which tends to concentrate on the control of few corporations holding privileged positions in social relations and power. And finally, in the third chapter, we investigated the relevance of public policies as mechanisms and tools for development, as well as the importance of encouraging the practice of research, development and production of traditional seeds as a way to conserve and promote agrobiodiversity. A study on the National Policy on Agroecology and Organic Production (Pnapo) was carried out, analyzing the relationship between the national seed policy and the issue of underdevelopment in Brazil, verifying whether it has been used as a mechanism to mitigate the effects of coloniality in the country.application/pdfAcesso AbertoDireito agrárioSementesSolonialidadeNaturezaOligopólioPolíticas públicasAgrarian lawSeedsColonialityNatureOligopolyPublic policyCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOColonização das sementes: as políticas públicas como legitimadoras de um sistema de dominaçãoSeed collection: public policies as legitimists of a domination systemDissertação