2014-07-292012-02-022011-09-08COSTA, Elias Cardoso da. Characterization of inhalable particulate matter in the atmosphere and urban vegetation in the city of Goiânia. 2011. 147 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharias) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/614This work had as objective to study the thin particulate material (PM2;5), thick (PM10) suspended in the atmosphere and the PTS adsorved in the vegetation s foliage of the Goiânia city and also study the metals associated with these particulates, especially Pb and Cd, giving subsidies to the city s air quality avaliation. The samples were studied between june of 2010 to june of 2011, using samplers of the type stacker which collects the thin and thick particulate simultaneously in polycarbonate membranes of 47 mm of diameter and pores of 0.4 and 8µm of diameter. The particulates masses were determinated by gravimetria and the metals analysis were done by the Atomic Espectrometry of Absortion(AEA). The thin and thick particulates concentrations showed seasonal variation with a reduction of 80% in the rainy season. The primary standard in the CONAMA resolution, of 150µg.m-³,was not exceeded in any sampled day.The ideal annual average, of 50µg.m-³, was exceeded sometimes during this period and the air quality ranged between goot to regular during the drought season and good during the rainy season. The thin particulate concentrations were above the USEPA s recommended limit in the drought season.The concentrations of the metals associated to the particulate, like Pb, Cu, Cr, Mn and Ni were below the USEPA s and WHO s concentrations. The Cd concentrations, in some samples, were above the WHO s recommended limit. The studied vegetation showed a great adsortion capacity of PTS on their foliage and reached the maximum concentration of 16,97 mg.mm-² on the Monguba s foliage and contributed to the air quality.The species which showed the biggest particulate adsorption capacity per unit of area was Oiti, followed by Monguba.OBS: Estão subscritos 2,5 e 10 em PM. O programa não copia algumas formatações.application/pdfAcesso AbertoQualidade do arParticulado InalávelPTSVegetaçãoCaracterizaçãoAir qualityInhalable ParticulatePTSVegetationCharacterizationQualidade do ar; Particulato inalável; PTS; VegetaçãoCNPQ::ENGENHARIASCaracterização do material particulado inalável na atmosfera e na vegetação urbana na cidade de GoiâniaCharacterization of inhalable particulate matter in the atmosphere and urban vegetation in the city of GoiâniaDissertação