2015-05-122014-03-13Moraes da Silveira, R. Nem tudo é possível, e muita coisa é obrigatória: um estudo da prática do swing em Goiânia. 2014. 116 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Antropologia Social) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4508This paper aims to examine the relationship between consumption and social tags of the dif-ference in a swing club in Goiânia. What is this social practice called swing? What good is consumed in a swing club? During dynamic ritual that happens in the club, what are the social markers hyperbolized/subverted by the public? And which are triggered by these subjects as a way to distinguish between them? These questions were answered through an ethnography, or participant observation. This insertion in my field is problematic in the first chapter, after a first look at swing practice. Ethnography also includes flyers of parties as well as elements found on the club website - themes of the second chapter - used mainly to think they are the speeches that the creators of the house have about the place and practice. Finally, it brought the uses that subjects make the club, the native categories - permeated by social tags - and their performances.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMarcadores sociais da diferençaConsumoPerformanceSexualidadeSocial markers of differenceConsumptionPerformanceSexualityCIENCIAS HUMANAS::ANTROPOLOGIANem tudo é possível, e muita coisa é obrigatória: um estudo da prática do swing em GoiâniaDissertação