2022-11-032022-11-032021-05-31MENDES, Antonia A. B. Berço e destino de estudantes de Taperuaba - Sobral (CE): a luta para “ser alguém na vida”. 2021. 386 f. Tese (Doutorado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2021.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/12410The problem of this doctoral research that supports the thesis was intended to know life stories in transformation through school success. The work consists in understanding and highlighting situations and processes that triggered changes in the trajectories of ordinary people. The individuals surveyed were impacted in their life constructions, which made them seize or cultivate opportunities and reach unlikely destinations. I elected for analysis eight interlocutors from the popular classes of Taperuaba, who occupy the double category of student and workers since an early age. Coming from families with low purchasing power, with little or no schooling, they were students from public schools, they managed to reach public higher education, between undergraduate and graduate studies, extrapolating their circumscribed fields of possibilities, contradicting the recurrences of their origins. These achievements put them in the condition of "winners" before their peers. They escaped the conventional trajectories of their ancestors and the common parameters that limit the individuals of their class. I use Bourdieu's concepts of capital (economic, social, cultural and symbolic) and a contemporary reading of habitus brought by Setton (2002). The procedures and methods used to obtain the data took place through individual interviews and application of semi-open questionnaires. The applied methodology was the analysis of the narratives of how the subjects' life histories took place within the macro (national policies) and meso structural (regional policies) context, intertwined with the particular micro realities. As a result, it is possible to affirm having developed the research, that: the historical and material conditions can favor the school and social success. Economic capital and social capital are advantages to achieve success, but they are not always absolute, there are other aspects that can interfere and trigger other results. Public policies for access to schooling (macro aspect), regional and local educational incentive and support initiatives (meso aspect) aligned with family support and the multiple and complex interferences that make up today the socialization of subjects beyond their groups of belonging, they can trigger transformations in the lives of socio- economically disadvantaged individuals. There are some possibilities of drilling and causing cracks in the social system of restricted privileges. I also observed a characteristic of resistance in these subjects as a modus operandi to deal with adversity. In situations of scarcity, family education aimed at the autonomy of individuals provides an important skill: a "coping potential". Some individuals seem more susceptible to embrace the scarce and competitive opportunities for school and professional qualification.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalTrajetóriasClasses popularesCapitais bourdianosPatrimônio disposicionalÊxito escolarTrajectoriesPopular classesBourdieu's capitalsDispositional heritageSchool successCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIABerço e destino de estudantes de Taperuaba - Sobral (CE): a luta para “ser alguém na vida”Birthplace and destiny of students from Taperuaba - Sobral CE: the struggle to “make life better for themselves”Tese