2014-07-292012-03-162011-12-09SANTOS, Gilberto Celestino dos. Analysis in Quirinopolis (GO) territorial dinamics - 1960 to 2010. 2011. 174 f. Tese (Doutorado em Ciencias Humanas) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2011.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tde/2742The research on territorial dynamics in Quirinópolis aims to analyze the economic, political and social changes in this county since 2005 caused by the establishment and expansion of the agro-energy sector, which develops the productive process driven by large flows of capital and technology, territorialized in soybean and pasture production areas, forcing the migration of farmers and rural workers, changing the GDP and the flow of goods and services, leading to real estate and wages valuation. The discussion of theoretical and methodological research, as (Saquet, 2007 pgs. 53-74), based on territorial approach , and it was necessary, as (Santos, 1999 pgs. 41-46), a technical, scale and time periodization that allow research operationalization, dividing the production process developed from the 1960s in three phases, which correspond to the following consecutive chapters. Chapters I and II are characterized by the introduction and integration of the Midwest Region in the national production process, the theoretical conceptualization and the emphasis on the development of rice and corn crops. In Chapter III major technological changes that occurred from the 1970s through the full mechanization of the production process are characterized, generating a large turnover of small and medium producers in the transition of the crops of rice and corn to soybeans, changing the population dynamics with strong rural exodus. In Chapter IV territorial dynamics is analyzed from the implementation of this sector that acts as an hegemonising actor, introducing changes in the production process, the collection and public relations market, generating social conflict by changing the production structure,deterritorializing small and medium landowners, tenants and workers, forming an inflexible territorial system and with full control of the production, manufacturing and distribution processes. It is concluded that the agro-energy industry changed old municipal power correlations, structuring and strengthening a new territorial dynamic, seeking to overcome the new regional inequalities from the fed credit incentives, technology and the availability of natural resources, which result in different productivity levels, values and rents.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTerritórioterritorializaçãodinâmicatecnologiasagroindústrias e QuirinópolisTerritoryterritorializationdynamictechnologiesagroindustries and QuirinópolisCNPQ::CIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAAnálise da dinâmica territorial de Quirinópolis (GO) 1960 a 2010Analysis in Quirinopolis (GO) territorial dinamics - 1960 to 2010Tese