2019-12-302019-06-24BACELAR, Manoel Osvanil Bezerra. O agronegócio: a territorialização e a expansão das fronteiras do capital no Amapá. 2019. 249 f. Tese (Doutorado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10239This thesis has a territorialization and an expansion of capital in the Amapaense field. The research aimed to understand the territorial dimensions and the territorialization resultant conflicts results, focusing on the production of grains and eucalyptus for the export of cavities and monopolization of the territories, as well as the production of soybeans in the state of Amapá. The main objective was the understanding of the process of territorialization of the capital, through agribusiness activities, in the state. The Federal Government, in formulating public policies that determined the guidelines for the economic development of the Amazonian states, created the conditions for the transformations that resulted in the control of private land ownership and production. It was also observed that the struggle for land and the control and exploitation of natural resources acquires class character, of dispute for large and small enterprises, where land and territory constitute dialectical unity. In order to analyze the process of territorial territorialization of the countryside in Amapá, a review of the literature, documentary research in public orgains, interviews with state agents and fieldwork were conducted, including interviews with agents of the capital and peasants. The new and old elements that move the agrarian question in Amapá in the contemporaneity are challenges to be faced, both in the theoretical / conceptual field, and in the understanding of the actions of the subjects involved in this process. It is understood that the solution to such questions involves adopting a set of structuring measures, programs and policies in the field and for the field. The issue of land grabbing is the order of the day, as it is one of the strategies of landowners to increase their holdings. In addition, there is inertia of the public agencies responsible for land regularization in the state, such as INCRA, IMAP, Terra Legal Program, whose attributions are in disagreement and delay the processes of issuing bonds and resolving land conflicts in the state. The expansion of agribusiness has aggravated these conflicts, both among capitalist hegemonic actors and between these and the various segments of the peasantry, such as quilombolas, riparians and squatters. Meanwhile, violence expands in an uneven dispute betwueen rural companies and farmers, who count on the State’s omission.application/pdfAcesso AbertoAgronegócioCampesinatoAMCELConflitoGrilagemAgribusinessPeasantryConflictLand grabbingCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAO agronegócio: a territorialização e a expansão das fronteiras do capital no AmapáAgribusiness: territorialization and expansion of capital borders in AmapáTese