2017-07-202017-07-03SENA, C. C. A. Alimentação, território e turismo em Pirenópolis (GO): implicações da mundialização nas identidades locais. 2017. 130 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7603The territory is analyzed in this research from the universe of food. The starting point are relations with tourism in the historic city of Pirenópolis, located in Gold and Crystals Tourist Region, in Goiás. The main objective is to understand how food, eating habits, and meal can make the territories and the identities dynamic. It is assumed that meals and eating are not neutral and involve broad issues beyond nutritional satisfactions, and has cultural keys for the constitution of the identities of people, territories and cities. Selected national and international examples where cooking or recipes made the territory dynamic, until one arrives at the reflections on the relevance of food for tourism in Goiás. Methodological strategies include bibliographical reviews, field works, film, music, documentary, academic research and journalistic texts analysis. Four field works were carried out in Pirenópolis (GO) and one in Cidade de Goiás (GO), in selected dates to be considered the gastronomic festivals of the two cities. We used secondary data collected from the official bodies and the theoretical-methodological database of universities. As for the primary data, were performed photographic registration and interviews that included people of different profiles: tourists, local residents, state and municipal public managers, event organizers, cooks, chefs and private entrepreneurs in the restaurant sector. In the presentation of the results, maps, infographics, tables and other resources were elaborated in addition to the text that helped expose the theoretical-empirical advances. The results of the research indicate that globalization is capable of influencing even the territory of historical cities, with implications crossed by contradictions and seen in food. It has been observed that the identities revealed by food are exploited by tourism and that global actors and actions can promote the gradual change of local eating habits. It is evidenced that Cerrado has important ingredients to be valued and that part of the culture from people and cities are synthesized by food, because of that it is necessary to think about strategies for the strengthening of the territories and the local food cultures for the frequent local-global confrontation promoted by mundialization.application/pdfAcesso AbertoTerritórioTurismo goianoComidaGlobalizaçãoIdentidadesTerritoryTourism in GoiásFoodGlobalizationIdentitiesCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAAlimentação, território e turismo em Pirenópolis (GO): implicações da mundialização nas identidades locaisFood, territory and tourism in Pirenópolis (GO): implications of mundialization on local identitiesDissertação