2017-01-042016-09-27TAVARES, Márcia Guerrante. Materialidade e imaterialidade na percepção da casa: análise da influência da verticalização em moradias de Goiânia. 2016. 186 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Projeto e Cidade) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2016.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/6682This piece of work discusses how the transformations caused by the increase in the number of inhabitants and the verticality of the cities, which are responsible for cracks in the urban tissue, alter the perception and the way the individual currently lives in his house. In this research, the house is revealed as the fundamental cell of the urban tissue, related to its historic and social context, where time and space build its narration. The object of study is the interior of the placehouse inserted in the space-city, focusing on the relation between its inhabitant and what he understands as the “center of the world”. The city that was chosen is Goiânia of the beginning of the 21st century, contemplating the neighborhoods of greater value, in an accelerated verticality process. The main objective of this work is to understand how the verticalized city affects the user’s perception and relation with the house. Furthermore, we try to identify the role of the sensoriality and the symbolic in the construction of the values and the individual and collective references in the living space. The materiality of the house dealt with here refers to the physical space, whereas the immateriality regards the house as a symbolic place, inhabited by the memories and symbols and lived through the daily rituals and events. The data collection is based on the bibliographical research and on interviews with distinct groups of families that live in the selected area. As a result, the study brings contribution to the new way of thinking the urban house and its interior design, taking into consideration the diversity and the necessities of the man in the material, social and symbolic dimensions.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCasaGoiânia verticalizadaTerritórioAmbiênciaSimbólicoHouseVerticality in GoiâniaTerritoryAmbienceSymbolicCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ARQUITETURA E URBANISMOMaterialidade e imaterialidade na percepção da casa: análise da influência da verticalização em moradias de GoiâniaMateriality and immateriality in the perception of the house:analysing the influence of verticality in the residences in GoianiaDissertação