2015-04-232014-05-22SILVA, M. C. Termofosfato de alumínio nas culturas do feijão, soja e sorgo, em solos de cerrado. 2014. 75 f. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4450In order to evaluate the efficiency of aluminum phosphate in four trials , we conducted an experiment in the Goiânia region, Goiás State, Brazil (16o36´S 49o17’W, 730m), in an Oxisol with low phosphorus . Two trials were conducted in pots , arranged in a greenhouse and two field trials . We used a block design to chance. The treatments consisted of five sources of phosphorus , a witness without P and ten repetitions , totaling 60 experimental units . For tests performed in the greenhouse . Where: T1 - T_Yoorin - termophosphate ; T2 - FN_Arad - Natural Reactive Phosphate Arad ; T3- ST - Triple superphosphate ; T4- T_Al - thermophosphate aluminum powder; T5 - FN_Al - Natural Aluminum Phosphate ; T6 -Test - Witness - no phosphate fertilizer . For tests performed in the same field of P sources were used with four replications . We estimated the productivity of crops , the soil P levels in leaf and soil P extracted by Mehlich 1 , chlorophyll content , plant development , and the residual effect of the sources used . The main conclusions were that the efficiency of aluminum phosphate obtained depended on the variable used . The application of aluminum thermo offered better results in most experiments , with aluminum phosphate reseultados the worst may be compared with the control . The other sources also show relevant results , and the tripo superphosphate , being soluble in water and termophosphate .application/pdfAcesso AbertoFosfato reativoSuperfosfato triploGlycine maxFontes de fósforoReactive phosphateTriple superphosphateGlycine maxPhosphorus sourcesAGRONOMIA::CIENCIA DO SOLOTermofosfato de alumínio nas culturas do feijão, soja e sorgo, em solos de cerradoThermophosphate aluminum in common bean, soybean and sorghum in cerrado soilsTese