2017-09-192017-08-11COELHO, Marina Dias Dalat. Propriedade intelectual e conhecimentos tradicionais: uma análise discursiva decolonial sobre o reconhecimento dos povos e comunidades tradicionais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro sob a perspectiva dos direitos humanos. 2017. 251 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direitos Humanos) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2017.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/7772Little by little, the traditional knowledge associated with biodiversity was invisible and regarded as subaltern by modern society. However, due to its market potential, it has become of great importance for the drug, cosmetic, seed, etc. industries, since these knowledges applied by traditional and local communities became shortcuts to the development of biotechnology, and led to the economy of Lots of time and money in surveys. As a means of regulating access to traditional knowledge, the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) presented a system of negotiations involving the prior consent of communities and the sharing of possible benefits with local and traditional populations. However, when it comes to intellectual property rights over products and processes arising from access to such knowledge, there is a conflict between the CBD provisions and the TRIPS Agreement, an international treaty regulating rights to inventions and patents. In Brazil, as a result of international articulations on the subject, the issue was initially disciplined by Provisional Measure No. 2.186-16 and later endorsed by the recent Law No. 13,123 / 2015, called the Law Biodiversity Framework, which aims to establish legal The commercial use of products derived from traditional associated knowledge and the supposed fair and equitable distribution of the benefits derived from their economic exploitation. However, the Brazilian legal system suffers from numerous criticisms from both the academic and business community, due to the rigor imposed on access to knowledge and genetic heritage; And on the part of NGOs, communities and traditional peoples, who consider that there is a marked favoring of the interests of the great economic groups and an attempt at neocolonialist domination, represented by the old colony that sells the raw material and buys the industrialized product of the industrial powers. In view of this controversy, considering the important and great interest of the communities and traditional peoples on the theme, based on decolonial and foucaltian studies, it is investigated whether the Brazilian legal system of protection of the traditional knowledge associated to biodiversity and the distribution of benefits derived from the Use of these knowledge recognize and include peoples and communities or whether it is a form of perpetuation of colonial practices.application/pdfAcesso AbertoComunidadesPovosConhecimento tradicionalPropriedade intelectualDecolonialidadeCommunitiesPeoplesTraditional knowledgeIntellectual propertyDecolonialityTEORIA DO DIREITO::ANTROPOLOGIA JURIDICAPropriedade intelectual e conhecimentos tradicionais: uma análise discursiva decolonial sobre o reconhecimento dos povos e comunidades tradicionais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro sob a perspectiva dos direitos humanosIntellectual property and traditional knowledge: a analysis decolonial discursive about the recognition of the traditional communities and peoples in the brazilian law system from the human rights' perspectiveDissertação