2019-04-092019-03-13CORREA, L. M. S. Emancipação feminina na sociedade contemporânea: reflexões sobre o papel formativo da mulher na família. 2019. 88 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2019.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9454This dissertation aims to investigate the place of women in the contemporary family in the face of the process of emancipation of the feminine in public (social) and private (family / individual) space, evidenced especially in the twentieth century. Starting from the central argument that contemporary women, even in the face of achievements that have allowed them to perform more socially and individually, still faces the challenge of having their autonomy legitimized by the male representations, this paper aims to present a critical discussion of the processes of women's emancipation. Process that led to new spaces of speech in the contemporary family. The aim of the feminine trajectory, its social and family place, the rights conferred upon it, the lack of freedom and the power over one's own life and body, is intended to apprehend the transformations by which its social role is instituted at the same time. throughout history, the senses of the autonomy acquired by the woman and to what extent she really takes effect. Thus, through a bibliographical research, it is necessary to question the conditions of female autonomy in the contemporary world, trying to understand if women still have to be legitimized by the male to emancipate themselves and what economic and social associations can be apprehended by compare the conquest of a new feminine place. Throughout century XX several social movements were realized that looked for the equality between the genders. Women's entry into the labor market, divorce law, discussions of abortion and the contraceptive pill are some of the female achievements from the claim of their rights. In Brazil, the feminist movement was assimilated with the presence of much struggle, conflict, resistance and dispute. Throughout her career, the conquest for the realization of women's rights in the fields of politics, work, private life, freedom and autonomy over self and her body exemplifies some of these claims. In this sense, the present work aims to articulate the search for female autonomy and its implications for the institution of the social place of women in the contemporary family. In analyzing some aspects of the historical changes of family structure, it intends to explore how social and economic factors are determinant in the formation of the contemporary individual and how the woman's space is perceived in this process.application/pdfAcesso AbertoMulherFamíliaEmancipação femininaWomenFamilyFemale emancipationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::PSICOLOGIAEmancipação feminina na sociedade contemporânea: reflexões sobre o papel formativo da mulher na famíliaFeminine emancipation in contemporary society: reflections on the training role of women in the familyDissertação