2014-11-062014-08-19XAVIER, Alice Gomes. O labirinto da memória: memória e esquecimento em obras da literatura juvenil brasileira. 2014. 99 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Letras e Linguística) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3541Throughout human history, the theme of memory has been studied and discussed in different areas of knowledge, for various cultural and sociopolitical factors, beyond the apparent human need to preserve the past and specific stories of each nation. The fear of individual or collective forgetfullness makes the man look for in history and in personal and social memories the knowledge of himself. It is not different in literature, which, since Antiquity, has valued the memory because it permeates human imagination, and perpetuates the stories of the world, collaborating with the languages processes of narratives constructions. This paper starts with the question of how the images of the memory and forgetfulness are embedded in juvenile literature. The objective is, therefore, to find and investigate the images and traces of memory and forgetfulness in some compositions of juvenile literature, between different aspects of knowledge. It also seeks to valorize the juvenile literature as literature for all, highlighting the symbols which permeates the juvenile imaginary and universe, in order to enrich the literary criticism and the development of this kind of literature in the world. The compositions analyzed are Corda bamba, by Lygia Bojunga Nunes; Bisa Bia, bisa Bel, by Ana Maria Machado; Memórias da escuridão, by Sueli de Regino; Tão Longe... tão perto, by Silvana de Menezes. The first two comprise memory and forgetfulness as inherent in the process of identity construction and self-awareness and the last two rescue memory in a social context, highlighting the historical and social issues. However, this division is not rigid, since the narratives of the first group also deal with social issues.The use and study of symbols in all the compositions and the figure of the labyrinth as a rite of initiation and pursuit of memory, contribute to the understanding and analysis of the topic in question. Among the theorists studied are Santo Agostinho (1980), Henri Bergson (2011), Mircea Eliade (2011), Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and Ecléa Bosi (1994).application/pdfAcesso AbertoMemóriaEsquecimentoTempoHistóriaIdentidadeMemoryForgetfulnessTimeHistoryIdentityLETRAS::LITERATURA BRASILEIRAO labirinto da memória: memória e esquecimento em obras da literatura juvenil brasileiraThe labyrinth of memory: memory and forgetting in works of brazilian juvenile literatureDissertação