2015-05-132015-02-20ABREU, N. G. M. A função social da propriedade da terra na concessão de liminar em ação de reintegração de posse. 2015. 93 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Agrário) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4513This work aims the theme of the social function of land ownership in the injunction granted in repossession action and was developed within the Basics line of research institutes and Legal Property and Possession. The discussion is guided by the research problem on the interpretation of article 927 of the Civil Procedure Code to grant a preliminary basis in the legal protection of land ownership in collective disputes without conditioning it to the attention of the social function and if it complies with the legal and constitutional framework and the open society of interpreters. The theoretical framework adopted is the Peter Häberle's theory of Open Society of Interpreters of the Constitution which uses the concretizing hermeneutical method. The objective was to demonstrate how the Judiciary underlies the requirement or not the fulfillment of the social function of land ownership for granting repossession injunction and its stance on the constitutional principles. The research was developed through a literature review and case study farm Repossession Santa Monica occupied by the Rural Workers Landless Movement, referring to paragraph 296220-60.2014.8.09.0000 process of Treasuries and stick 2nd civil Corumbá the County of Goiás. The results show a negative response to the problem investigated, the protection of property of land subject to the fulfillment of the social function was not observed in the preliminary ruling given by the stick judgment. Thus, the position of the judiciary does not proceed to completion of the 1988 Federal Constitution because it does not incorporate the social demands of access to land, contributing to conflict management, traits that hinder open, pluralistic and democratic society.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPropriedade funcionalizadaRepersonalização da posseForças sociaisSociedade abertaFunctionalized propertyRepersonalization tenureSocial forcesOpen societyCIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::DIREITOA função social da propriedade da terra na concessão de liminar em ação de reintegração de posseSocial function of land property in the preliminary allocation in possession of return of actionDissertação