2016-06-022015-08-28MARTINS, Telma Aparecida Teles. Práticas pedagógicas na educação de crianças de zero a três anos de idade: concepções acadêmicas e de profissionais da educação. 2015. 304 f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/5619This doctorate research is composed by several sub-projects under development in the project Public Policy and Children’s Education in Goiás: history, concepts, projects and practices, of a group that studies childhood and its education, linked to the research line Training, Teachers’ Professionalization and Educational Practices of the Postgraduate Program in Education of the Faculty of Education of Federal University of Goiás. We investigated zero-to-three year old children’s pedagogical practice in order to understand academic and educational professional concepts about the pedagogical practices in zero-to-three year old children’s education. The premise that rules the analysis is that teaching practice must be understood as praxis, theory and practice unit that acquires a mediator character of knowledge appropriation process produced historically in material reality, concrete of human beings. However, the conception of pedagogical practice presented in academic productions and by early childhood education professionals - with their practices in the field of knowledge, values, attitudes - is marked by overlapping actions of conflicts and contradictions in the articulation and disarticulation of interest classes. That is, in a contradictory movement can be meant advances in pedagogical practice by enabling praxis, but also containing pragmatic purposes, utilitarian theory and practice relationship. Therefore, it was outlined the central research problem: What do theoretical and practical elements and methodological of the pedagogical practice guide the academic-scientific production of early childhood education, as well as the conceptions expressed by professionals (teachers and educational staffs) that work in zero-to-three year old children education in municipal public institutions? With reference to the dialectical historical materialism, we sought to analyze the research object into three methodological strategies: state of the art about teaching practices with zero-to-three year old children; the proposition of questionnaires and interviews with education professionals from Senador Canedo city and analysis of documents pertaining to this reality. We analyzed public policies for early childhood education, with reference to the nursery school and its historical constraints, and political theorists in the constitution of capitalist society in the process of urbanization, organization of work and ways of living and building this reality. He sought to understand the academic-scientific literature on the pedagogical practices with zero-to-three year old children presented by dissertations and theses written from 1996 to 2012 in Brazilian postgraduate programs, as well as the concepts of the early children education professionals from Senador Canedo City that work with zero-to-three year old children. Finally, by the movement untaken of this research we could notice the academic field approaches grounded in childhood sociology field, childhood pedagogy and pragmatic reflexive pedagogical practice. From the perspective of 82 education professionals (teachers and educational staffs) that work in nursery schools in Senador Canedo city, pedagogical practices are presented in a contradictory way and there is a strong separation between theory and practice. We could notice the historical materialization, in the nursery school, the act of taking care and in the pre-school, the act of teaching, or the teaching as a specific action of educacional staff and the teaching accomplished by the teacher.application/pdfAcesso AbertoPrática pedagógicaCrecheEducação infantilTeaching practiceNursery schoolEarly children educationCIENCIAS HUMANAS::EDUCACAOPráticas pedagógicas na educação de crianças de zero a três anos de idade: concepções acadêmicas e de profissionais da educaçãoPedagogical practices in zero-to-three year old children’s education: academic and educational professional concepetionsTese