2018-08-272018-07-04SOUZA, Dalton Foltran de. Avaliação comparativa de modulações candidatas às redes 5G baseadas em LTE e escalonamento de recursos considerando fila e qualidade de canal. 2018. 67 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Elétrica e da Computação) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/8827With the development of the next generation of mobile communications systems for 5G, several technologies are being studied aiming to reach the new requirements in new application scenarios. Among them, is the use of new modulations with higher spectral efficiency in substitution of OFDM, such as F-OFDM and UFMC, and also the scheduling algorithms which are in charge of sharing resources between users. In this work, we evaluated the application of F-OFDM and UFMC, 5G modulations candidates, on downlink LTE compared with OFDM and evaluated the schedulers Round Robin, QoS Guaranteed and PSO dealing with additional resources provided by the tested modulations. For that, we compared performance considering parameters like fairness, latency, throughput and spectral efficiency. The results showed that the downlink LTE improved performance in all evaluated parameters with UFMC modulation. In fact, there were a performance improvement in all schedulers evaluated. For example, PSO based scheduler improved latency and throughput while QoS Guaranteed reached the lowest loss, as the highest fairness were reached by QoS Guaranteed and Round Robin. Also, we propose a scheduling algorithm that takes into account the queue size in the user buffer and channel quality to maximize throughput and fairness in the LTE downlink network. The metrics evaluated were transmission efficiency, throughput, fairness, delay and losses. The proposed algorithm achieved better results for all evaluated metrics.application/pdfAcesso Aberto5GLong term evolutionLTEF-OFDMUFMCEscalonadorModulações 5GLong term evolutionLTEF-OFDMUFMCSchedulerModulationsENGENHARIAS::ENGENHARIA ELETRICAAvaliação comparativa de modulações candidatas às redes 5G baseadas em LTE e escalonamento de recursos considerando fila e qualidade de canalDissertação