2018-12-132018-11-01PAIXÃO, T. N. O ensino do componente físico-natural clima na Geografia escolar: a escala como fundamento conceitual. 2018. 137 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Geografia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2018.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/9149The weather, as one of the physical-natural component, that makes up the geographical space, exists in the hole world, that’s why the repercussions of the climatic and methereological phenomena affect the whole society. Thus, to guide the teaching of the geography study content is indispensable the understanding of the relation between weather and society, insofar as the geographic approach of the climate seeks to understand, for example the affects of climate on urban spaces, economic activities, culture, people’s daily lives and so forth. Thus, investigating the way in which the teaching of this content has been routed in Basic Education is relevant for the formation of individuals. This research was realized in the final years of Elementary School of two public schools from the Municipal Education System of Goiânia. In this research, we established as a general objective to analyze the teaching of climate contents in School Geography and its consequences for the understanding of the relationship between climate and geographic space and daily life. The specific objectives are: a) to analyze, in the official curricular guidelines and the academic texts, the guidelines regarding the climate contents to be exposed in the School Geography; b) identify, in the textbooks of Geography, the references that guide the proposals of work with the weather in the quotidian from the conception of the population; e) understand the importance of the scales of study in Climatology for the teaching of climate contents in School Geography. For methodological development we opted for qualitative research. Based on this methodology, we carried out bibliographical research, documentary analysis ( Parameters and curricular guidelines), analysis of Geography textbooks, observation of classes and interviews with teachers community members. The analysis of the official curricular documents is important since it is the result of public policies of the State directed to education, which guide the curricular organization of education systems, as well as directly influence the production of materials, such as textbooks, that’s used on the schools. The classes observations, which were of the non-participant type, that means, did not involve the researcher with activities developed by the teachers in the classroom, allowed us to identify that the textbooks were the only reference used by the teachers in their classes. These materials were taken as the basis for the presentation of the contents, for the accomplishment of activities, as reference for the planning of the classes. These materials were taken as the basis for the presentation of the contents. For the accomplishment of activities, as a reference for the planning of the classes. The critique of the use of textbooks as teaching materials in the classroom is based on perspective that this practice reduces the possibilities of students living space and daily life to be considered as reference for the construction of knowledge. It’s understood the teaching that emerges from the daily life and from the reality lived by the students contribute to its citizen performance. When we find the both are aware of the importance of teaching content with reference to the relation between climate and geographic space, as well as the influence of the same to everyday life. That is, they are able to address climate content in a more creative and meaningful way. Considering the relevance of the place of living as a possibility for teaching, we conducted interviews with residents of the resident community near schools in wich we proceeded with activities of observation of classes and interviews with teachers. In these neighborhoods, located in the southwest region of Goiania-Goiás, we seek to identify the knowledge of these individuals about climate, with purpose of explaining to that extent this information collected can be problematized when teaching climate in the School Geography. It is the knowledge of these people about the neighborhood in which they live, so that the reality they experience is part of the lives of the students of these schools. Thus, we conclude that the report of these residents is a considerable reference to think of teaching in a perspective of confrontation between everyday concepts of scientific concepts. Therefore, the discussions carried out in this research show the importance of climate teaching to understand the socio economic and social environment repercussion of climate phenomena for the geographical space. It is also important to highlight the relevance of Geography, as a curricular component, for the training of the student’s Basic Education.application/pdfAcesso AbertoGeografia escolarClimaCotidiano school GeographyClimateQuotidianCotidianoCIENCIAS HUMANAS::GEOGRAFIAO ensino do componente físico-natural clima na Geografia escolar: a escala como fundamento conceitualThe teaching of the physical-natural component climate in school Geography: the scale as a conceptual foundationDissertação