2014-10-202014-03-12AGE, Mônica de Paula Pereira da Silva. O Hospital Real Militar: saúde e enfermidade em Villa Boa de Goyaz (1746-1827). 2014. 260 f. Tese (Doutorado em Historia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3382This study aimed at reconst ruct ing the history of the Hospi tal Real Mi l i ta r de Vi l la Boa de Goyaz from 1746 to 1827. It is a new theme in the historiography produced in Goiás and as such i t wi l l certainly be frui t ful to the comprehension of the history of Medicine in this state. I star t f rom the principle that inst i tut ions, which are not and have never been stat ic real i t ies, have thei r histories and roles properly establ ished, and this is one of the reasons that make them subject to analys is. Based on this research object , i t is possible to reveal : the social imaginary that was p resent in Goiás about the hospi tal ; the intervent ions of the Kingdom, wi th reference to Medicine , in the Brazi l ian colony; the Portuguese -Brazi l ian medical theories and pract ices about the body, heal th, cure, and disease; the structure of the Portuguese - Brazi l ian medical assistance in that period; the hospi tal treatment of fered to soldiers; the most recurrent diseases in the captaincy of Goiás; the therapeut ic and prophylact ic resources known and used in that period, both in the Kingdom and in the Colony; among other aspects. The main sources used in the study are: the Regulat ions for the Mi l i tary Hospi tals; the Regulat ions for the Physician-Major and the Surgeon-Major; the announcements of contract for the tasks needed in the hospi tal operat ion; the books about diet and medical prescript ions, as wel l as the l ist of medicines requested and received to fi l l up the drugstore of the hospi tal ; and the medical guides and manuals that ci rculated in the Kingdom and in i ts domains. We emphasized that the increase of mi l i tary members in the captaincy of Goiás was preponderant in the const ruct ion of a mi l i tary hospi tal before the construct ion of a civi l one in the region. Af ter al l , the soldiers were also those who cont ributed to keeping the assets of the Kingdom in Goiás, rest raining the cont raband of gold, helping in the col lect ion of the quinto, and imposing the order in the region. The hospi tals reveal , through their historical t rajectories, thei r ut i l i ty wi th regards to the heal th and the infi rmi ty of a part icular s ociety.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProfilaxiaHospitalSaúdeDoençaTerapêuticaProphylaxisHospitalHealthDiseaseTherapeuticsCIENCIAS HUMANAS::HISTORIAO Hospital Real Militar: saúde e enfermidade em Villa Boa de Goyaz (1746-1827)Hospital Military iin Villa Boa de Goyaz: health and disease in Villa Boa de Goyaz (1746-1827)Tese