2020-10-212020-10-212015-04-09CASTRO, J. B. “Não é apenas uma modinha, é um estilo de vida”: um estudo sobre mulheres fitness em Goiás. 2015. 154 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Sociologia) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2015.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/10869This investigation concerns women who are not professional athletes, but who are willing to adapt their routine to the regular practice of intense physical activity and specific diets, in search of a life considered healthy by them, but it also, especially, concerns those women who have bodies endowed with muscle hypertrophy, an appearance that apparently contrasts with the beauty standards for women nowadays. It is a growing social phenomenon in Brazil: physically fit women. In order to understand this lifestyle, I traced a path that discusses the body conceptions adopted by social sciences, going through the historical trajectory of women in sports, which opens doors for non-athletes to access physical activity, as well as the way that health clubs reached the current design, which have been increasingly frequented by women. I set out to develop an ethnographic research that consisted of: attending and observing two health clubs and a Box CrossFit gym; following pages on social networks that permeate the fitness universe, which allowed me to see daily posts that show aspects that revolve around its daily life; observing selected media products, seeking to critically develop careful notes and comments on how articles in newspapers, magazines and television programs have addressed the issue of women who have adopted the fitness lifestyle; problematizing medical scientific discourses about the body, notions of health and healthy diets. To this end, I distributed 15 posters to health clubs in different regions of Goiânia, disseminating an online questionnaire in search of women who wished to adopt this lifestyle. Finally, I conducted eight interviews, based on the creation of a network, using the life history method, guided by a feminist sociological approach.Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalMulheresEstilo de vidaFitnessWomenLifestyleFitnessCIENCIAS HUMANAS::SOCIOLOGIA::SOCIOLOGIA DA SAUDE“Não é apenas uma modinha, é um estilo de vida”: um estudo sobre mulheres fitness em Goiás"It's not just a template, it's a lifestyle": a study on women fitness in GoiásDissertação