2014-11-202013-08-15MARTINS, Sarah Barboza. Avaliação da segurança de dois protocolos anestésicos e da eficácia de dois métodos indiretos de aferição da pressão arterial para colheita de sangue total em gatos. 2013. 106 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência Animal) - Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/3663The availability of blood products for cats is low, with one of the determining factors the requirement of sedation or anesthesia for blood collection. The blood pressure measurement is routine in clinical and anesthesiology, and may be used either the indirect methods, with easy implementation and low risk to the animals, or the direct method, more reliable. This study evaluated the safety of two anesthetic protocols and accuracy of two methods of indirect blood pressure measurement for blood collection in cats. We used five animals weighing 4.3 ± 0.5 kg submitted to two different anesthetic protocols at intervals of 30 days. For the femoral artery and jugular vein catheterization, the animals were anesthetized with isoflurane. Thirty minutes after end of instrumentation, anesthesia was again induced and maintained either with isoflurane (GI) or ketamine (10 mg/kg) and midazolam (0.2 mg / kg) (GCM) IM. After that we collected the whole blood (53mL) and replaced volume with ringer's lactate solution (20 mL / kg), and then allowed the anesthetic recovery. We analyzed the cardiac (FR) and respiratory (f) rate, the systolic (PAS), diastolic (PAD) and mean (PAM) arterial pressure with direct and oscillometric method, and PAS with Doppler ultrasound; oxyhemoglobin saturation ( SpO2) and central venous pressure (PVC). It were also collected arterial blood samples for analysis of blood gases and electrolytes. Animals were evaluated before induction to blood collection (T0), immediately after induction (Tind), immediately after blood collection (Tcol) and after volume replacement (Trep). Tha PAS, PAD and PAM obtained by oscillometric and Doppler methods were compared to invasive method in GCM when animals were awake (CONS), anesthetized (ANEST) and after collection of blood (HIPOV). All animals had PAS, PAD and PAM decreased at Tcol. There was no statistical difference between the groups in any variable evaluated. Both indirect methods of blodd pressure measurement underestimated the blood pressure at CONS e ANEST, although the Doppler method had better correlation with the direct method. We conclude that isoflurane and ketamine/midazolam anesthesia are safe and efficient for blood collection in cats. Between the two indirect methods of blood pressure evaluated, the Doppler method had the best accuracy for measurement of PAS during the blood collection process in cats. Knowing the underestimation of the blood pressure obtained, it is recommended to consider not just the values obtained, but also the clinical signs like pulse quality and membrane mucosa color, to detection of hypotension with indirect methods.application/pdfAcesso AbertoCetamina-midazolamDoppler vascularFelinosHipovolemiaIsofluoranoTransfusão sanguíneaIsofluraneKetamineHypovolemiaBlood transfusionOscillometrVascular DopplerBlood collectionCIENCIAS AGRARIAS::MEDICINA VETERINARIAAvaliação da segurança de dois protocolos anestésicos e da eficácia de dois métodos indiretos de aferição da pressão arterial para colheita de sangue total em gatosEvaluation of the safety of two anesthetic protocols and efficiency of two indirect methods of arterial pressure measurement for collection of whole blood in catsDissertação