2015-02-192014-04-30SILVA, P. F. F. Caracterização funcional de proteínas hipotéticas do fungo patogênico humano Paracoccidioides sp. 2014. 132 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Genética e Biologia Molecular)–Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, 2014.http://repositorio.bc.ufg.br/tede/handle/tede/4169Nearly 60% of the Paracoccidioides genes encode proteins annotated as hypothetical proteins or predicted proteins (HPs). Transcriptomes studies revealed 2364 HPs expressed in mycelium and yeast form; during the transition from mycelium to yeast; and under conditions that mimic the infection pathway. In this study, we describe a global detection and functional inference for the HPs in Paracoccidioides. For these analysis we used computational methods based on sequence similarity, search for targeting signals, presence of known protein domains and also a functional classification based on Gene Ontology. Our analysis allowed the HPs to be classified into different functional categories such as metabolism, organelle organization, cell communication, protein localization, cell cycle, signaling and cell differentiation. We also performed a functional enrichment analysis of the transcripts expressed under different growth conditions. The best represented functional domains are those involved in the regulation of gene expression, suggesting that these HPs may be involved in regulation of the gene response and adaptation. The transcriptional profiling of six HPs confirms that they are highly expressed in the presence of human blood and plasma and also during phase transition, a crucial event for establishment of the infection process. Additionally, we have cloned and expressed the gene encoding the hypothetical protein PAAG_08614 from Pb01. The transcript and protein expression were evaluated by qPCR e western-blot, respectively. PAAG_08614 is preferentially expressed in mycelium and during mycelium to yeast transition. This work constitutes the first large-scale characterization of the proteins of unknown functional from Paracoccidioides spp. and helps the functional assignment of hypothetical proteins, as well as the understanding of the data generated from structural and functional genome.application/pdfAcesso AbertoProteínas hipotéticasParacoccidioides sp.Caracterização in silicoHypothetical proteinsParacoccidioides sp.In silico characteriza-tionGENETICA::GENETICA MOLECULAR E DE MICROORGANISMOSCaracterização funcional de proteínas hipotéticas do fungo patogênico humano Paracoccidioides sp.Functional characterization of hypothetical proteins of human pathogenic fungus Paracoccidioides sp.Dissertação